How do I remove the cover from my Dell Dimension 8100? Would love to hear how!

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press a top and bottom button while computer is flipped on side. Now with both
buttons pressed in mind have to open the darn thing. Once realize that it
opens like a giant clam, and that it doesn't fully open at that. The drive bays are attached to one
side, the motherboard the other. There isn't a screw in the whole thing (a plus), but access
to everything sucks big time. is cheap and flimsy being all constructed from
plastic with a small metal frame inside.

see also and search for the word "open"
Removing the cover from a Dell Dimension 8100

Hi, I'm trying to open the cover of the Dell Dimension 8100, with no screws and I cant see any buttons on the side of the computer to open it (like other Dell's)
well if its the one i am thinking if you look at it from the front then on the left side just press on the side of the case and slide it back its going to be the left side of the case that will open
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