Computer receiving packets but not sending

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I haven't been able to find any information concerning this and I was hoping someone could help me. I've found posts and information on problems with not receiving packets but not with not sending packets. I'm connecting through a RCA broadband modem with Roadrunner cable service and a 3COM Etherlink NIC. When I start my computer, it never sends packets. I have to pull out the ethernet cable and replug it to reconnect. After a few tries, it'll connect. Occasionally my computer stops sending packets and I disconnect and I'll have to reconnect by unplugging and replugging the cable. What's the problem? :confused:
that happened to me twice. my solution has always been to turn off both the modem and my router by disconnecting the power cable and then unpluging all connections. then i turn on my modem....after that is on and has a connection.........start the router....then finally restart of pc and plugging in the ethernet cable into the computer.

or just basically restarting everything :)
Yea, it works whenever I do that too but the problem is I have to do it every single time I log online and whenever I disconnect. It's not a huge problem but it gets very annoying
1) make sure the router has DHCP enabled
2) all systems are using DHCP

then update the router firmware
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