Guests on site count...?


Posts: 19,690   +8,832
Throughout the course of my membership, I have always noticed the Software's "guest" count to be in the hundreds.

However, during the last 24 hours or so, it has dropped to one!

While I never underestimate my capacity for outrage and off putting, that seems like a bizarre drop in visitors, my elite abilities of alienation notwithstanding..

What do you think?
I think there is a problem with the "Captcha" gizmo if you try to post as a guest - I just logged out to check, tried 7 or 8 codes, nothing! I noticed there weren't any guest posts lately too, it's because they can't!!(n):'(
I see there is one solitary guest on now - please tell us how you did it??!! :confused:
This has been my point the guest count never did zero out, it's been stuck on "one", for a week.

I'm not sure why this thread hasn't attracted anyone from staff's attention yet, it seems important to the site's well being!

Well that, and I haven't had new blood to argue with in a week....;)
This is a problem. Our topics in the malware forum have gone down progressively since September. We keep losing and losing. :p

Seems the CAPTCHA is fine with me. Look at it:

Can anybody come to grips with the idea that the, "visitors on site count", was in the 600's one day, and one (1) the next?

It begs the question, "was that wrong yesterday, or wrong now"?
I'm sure it's wrong now. I've always noticed that the guest count is quite high and anything not in the hundreds just doesn't sound right. We get so many hits on the first page of google that there's no way there aren't a bunch of guests browsing.
This is a problem. Our topics in the malware forum have gone down progressively since September. We keep losing and losing. :p
Seems the CAPTCHA is fine with me. Look at it:
View attachment 74972
So what would the answer to that one be, for instance??
I tried to get past several of these to post a reply, as a guest, earlier today, but couldn't - and yes, I am of at least reasonable intelligence!! And not a spam bot (or am I? I feel a discussion thread coming on, what if the universe is a botnet?)
Seriously, what would YOU put in the box for the example you posted? :):confused:
So what would the answer to that one be, for instance??
I tried to get past several of these to post a reply, as a guest, earlier today, but couldn't - and yes, I am of at least reasonable intelligence!! And not a spam bot (or am I? I feel a discussion thread coming on, what if the universe is a botnet?)
Seriously, what would YOU put in the box for the example you posted? :):confused:

As you go forward young padawan, take great comfort in this; "cogito ergo sum"!
For clarification, I just tried again, when I clicked the gizmo, it read "abide with me", in broken print, I typed this in it said something about not entering the Captcha thing properly. Again. Honest it did.:confused:
For clarification, I just tried again, when I clicked the gizmo, it read "abide with me", in broken print, I typed this in it said something about not entering the Captcha thing properly. Again. Honest it did.:confused:
Yeah you're right. It won't let me in as a guest either. :'(
Believe it or not, everybody could at least be partly correct. It depends on which browser and which extensions you're using. With "NoScript" or similar you could be locking yourself out.

The captcha applet requites a script permission all its own.
Thanks for this report.
It did not occur to me until now that it was actually the enabling of IPv6 that caused this issue

I've firstly open this conversation / thread with my mobile device and in this mode (mobile) the *smileys* are not displaying,,,maybe they're (The Guests) are not seeing you with all the witt and gile that I know you exude into every post you preside? :biggrin:,,,:)