Microsoft warns that Russia's online influence campaigns targeting US elections have picked up pace

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In brief: Russia is once again running online campaigns in an attempt to manipulate the presidential elections in the US, albeit at a slower pace than what we saw during previous elections. Microsoft writes that the country is mostly trying to undermine support for Ukraine and NATO among US audiences.

Russia's US election influence campaign has picked up the pace over the last two months, writes Microsoft, but the less contested primary season means it hasn't been as intense as in 2016 and 2020.

Russia's primary focus in its campaign is spreading support for its war in Ukraine through disinformation, reducing support for NATO, and causing infighting within the US, using traditional and social media and a mix of covert and overt campaigns.

Microsoft writes that Russian-affiliated group Storm-1516 pushes an anti-Ukraine message by creating a video of someone presenting as a whistleblower or citizen journalist spreading a Russian-positive narrative about the war. The video is then covered by a seemingly unaffiliated global network of covertly managed websites, including DC Weekly and The Intel Drop, before being amplified by Russian expats, officials, and fellow travellers. US audiences then repeat and repost the disinformation, likely unaware of its source.

Another group highlighted by Microsoft is Star Blizzard, aka Cold River. It focuses on Western think tanks, and while it still has no connection to the 2024 elections, its focus on US political figures may be the first in a series of hacking campaigns designed to drive Kremlin-favored outcomes heading into November.

There have been a lot of concerns over foreign adversaries using advanced AI to influence US elections. Microsoft said that the widespread use of deepfaked videos has so far not been observed, but AI-enhanced and AI audio fake content is likely to have more success.

Microsoft writes that AI-enhanced content is more influential than fully AI-generated content, AI audio more impactful than AI video, and fake content purporting to come from a private setting such as a phone call is more effective than fake content from a public setting. The company adds that impersonations of lesser-known people work better than impersonations of well-known individuals such as world leaders.

We've already seen examples of faked audio being used to influence people. A 39-second robocall went out to voters in New Hampshire in January telling them not to vote in the Democratic primary election, but to "save their votes" for the November presidential election. The voice handing out this advice was an AI-generated model that sounded almost exactly like Joe Biden. It led to the FCC making AI-generated robocalls illegal and Biden calling for a ban on AI voice impersonations.

It's not just Russia looking to disrupt and influence the US elections using AI. Microsoft warned earlier this month that Chinese campaigns have continued to refine AI-generated or AI-enhanced content, creating videos, memes, and audio, among others, to create social media posts focusing on politically divisive topics.

In February, 20 major companies, including Amazon, Google, Meta, and X, signed an agreement pledging to root out deepfake and generative AI content designed to influence or interfere with citizens' democratic right to vote.

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I don't think Russia needs to try that hard, the current administration is doing a fine job at making people want change.

"Omg, we aren't doing anything to address the concerns of the people and people are unhappy, it must be Russia trying to influence the election"
I don't think Russia needs to try that hard, the current administration is doing a fine job at making people want change.

"Omg, we aren't doing anything to address the concerns of the people and people are unhappy, it must be Russia trying to influence the election"
Why must it be one or the other?
I don't think Russia needs to try that hard, the current administration is doing a fine job at making people want change.

"Omg, we aren't doing anything to address the concerns of the people and people are unhappy, it must be Russia trying to influence the election"
Well Republicans are never happy regardless...the rest of us are happy with a good current economy and general pace without violent protests on US streets unlike with the Trump administration.
You must be Russian, Chinese or Middle Eastern or Republican....that's the only explanation to your comment.
Well Republicans are never happy regardless...the rest of us are happy with a good current economy and general pace without violent protests on US streets unlike with the Trump administration.
The irony here is palpable. Trump Derangement Syndrome really is terminal.
Why must it be one or the other?
Because there's this trend, you see, of russia being the scapegoat every time an unpopular politician who cant do their job is facing resistance from the general populace in an election year.

I call it Putin's Razor. Never attribute anything to russia what can be attributed to political stupidity.
Well Republicans are never happy regardless...the rest of us are happy with a good current economy and general pace without violent protests on US streets unlike with the Trump administration.
Who said I was a republican? And I don't know what economy you're living in. In my home town of pittsburgh we've had a 300% increase in homelessness in the last 2 years caused by the housing crisis. My rent went from 750 to 1600 a month over the last 3 years while only receiving a 5% raise in the same period which isn't even keeping up with inflation.
Who said I was a republican? And I don't know what economy you're living in. In my home town of pittsburgh we've had a 300% increase in homelessness in the last 2 years caused by the housing crisis. My rent went from 750 to 1600 a month over the last 3 years while only receiving a 5% raise in the same period which isn't even keeping up with inflation.
So I didn't know President Biden was supposed to eliminate poverty in the entire U.S in in 4 years after the massive collapse of COVID ravaging the entire country when he took office.

Some people really have some crazy expectation....right?
Sadly there will still be people out there believing all the Russia propaganda no matter how many times we get warned about it.
net tovarishch, comrade trump is greatest american president for patriotic Americans like you and me. Russia has never interfered with any election in any country much less engages in propaganda like liberal US news. Remember, Russia is protecting Ukraine from itself and not losing the war. Uncle Putin, Comrade trump, and the republican party will bring peace to the world and make America Great Again like drinking vodka during pleasant stay in Gulag.
Who said I was a republican? And I don't know what economy you're living in. In my home town of pittsburgh we've had a 300% increase in homelessness in the last 2 years caused by the housing crisis. My rent went from 750 to 1600 a month over the last 3 years while only receiving a 5% raise in the same period which isn't even keeping up with inflation.
It's easier for him to put you in a political 'box' mentally, instead of having a constructive conversation about how objectively poor we're doing as a country right now.
Well Republicans are never happy regardless...the rest of us are happy with a good current economy and general pace without violent protests on US streets unlike with the Trump administration.
republican appeal to the lowest form of humanity, it's why hate groups always vote republican. Their current core supporters are gullible enough to fall for the cult of trump and putin knows this and will take advantage of their stupidity. After all, trump did ask for putins help on national TV and believed putins lies over US intelligence.
So I didn't know President Biden was supposed to eliminate poverty in the entire U.S in in 4 years after the massive collapse of COVID ravaging the entire country when he took office.

Some people really have some crazy expectation....right?
Poverty will always exist, my problem is that poverty is accelerating under the current administration, not that he isn't eliminating it. The housing shortage is a myth. If you drive past the "luxury apartments" we have in Pittsburgh, they're mostly empty. I wanted to punch my land lord in the face when they kept raising my rent saying "that's the market rate". No its not, those houses are empty, the free market isn't working. We have more empty houses than we do homeless people. We have a medicaid crisis where people are losing their Healthcare. Aren't these issue fundamental to what democrats run on? Biden isn't doing anything the democratic party identifies with. The current administration is basically doing nothing at all. I don't dislike the Biden administration because they're democrats, I'm mad at the current administration because I'm living pay check to pay check on 90k a year with zero debt while driving a 20 year old Honda to work.
Don’t worry.
This November I will be voting with my wallet.
Not the internet.
Not the media.
Basically, just what’s in my wallet.
the rest of us are happy with a good current economy
Where is this great economy that you're speaking of? Because I certainly don't see it!!! Just about everything has doubled or tripled in cost!!! We're talking about everything from gas to electricity to water. And don't get me started on the cost of food! Milk, eggs, cheese, meat... all of it has gone up doubling the grocery bills of the average Americans.

So yes, please tell me where this great economy is because I don't see it!
Poverty will always exist, my problem is that poverty is accelerating under the current administration, not that he isn't eliminating it.
Don’t worry.
This November I will be voting with my wallet.
Not the internet.
Not the media.
Basically, just what’s in my wallet.
Exactly. I'll be voting for Trump, walking out of the voting place and shortly thereafter find a nice bush to puke into. And if anyone asks why I'm puking after voting for Trump, it sure as hell beats putting a bullet in my head after voting for Biden.
Don’t worry.
This November I will be voting with my wallet.
Not the internet.
Not the media.
Basically, just what’s in my wallet.

Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton?? (not eligible!), Jackson, Grant, Franklin (also ineligible!)

Some decent choices there. Lincoln is the clear favorite but I think he's also ineligible as I heard he was assassinated. I'll bet with my luck the other guys are dead, too. I'll just vote Franklin because why not? Though Hamilton's American fervor is palpable even 200 years later.
Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton?? (not eligible!), Jackson, Grant, Franklin (also ineligible!)

Some decent choices there. Lincoln is the clear favorite but I think he's also ineligible as I heard he was assassinated. I'll bet with my luck the other guys are dead, too. I'll just vote Franklin because why not? Though Hamilton's American fervor is palpable even 200 years later.
Hamilton was born in the west indies so he can't hold the office of president. If he was born in the USA and was a felon he could hold office, even if he tried to over throw the US government by riots...that's still cool. He could even declare he would overturn any and all forms of democracy within the country, that's still good enough as long as he was born in the USA.
Have a look beyond your borders, guys. US isn't the only country suffering manic price rises on all commodities, rents, house prices, & food. The UK has had 15 years of Conservative government that has been devoted (as always) to looking after the rich and ignoring the plight of the poor. Police not bothering to respond to shoplifting, burglaries, car thefts, and domestic assaults. The rise of food banks (and then recently been closing down to due lack of supply), skyrocketing price of heating fuels, electricity, shortages recently in pharmaceuticals due to post-Brexit import paperwork, people who are actually in full time employment living in their cars or in a tent because they don't make enough to pay rent, some people working two jobs but still qualifying for state benefits in order to eat. Ambulances lining up outside hospitals waiting for people to be discharged before they can be let in for emergency treatment, waiting lists years long for life critical surgeries. You had your ***** Trump and UK had its buffoon Johnson, both with ties to Putin, government mp's and ministers giving fat contracts to their friends and lining their pockets while stepping over the bodies sleeping in shop doorways, all the while the historical Conservative voters who live off "investments" and the labour of those further down the food chain turn a blind eye to epic corruption. The capitalist all consuming lust for continual growth year upon year can't sustain forever. I think we are seeing the end results of this mantra.
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