
Edwin Phate

Posts: 138   +0
Do you believe in these mystic beings? I personally think they would be awesome but don't believe in them another great that died to me today is Santa /poing(guildwars emote).

p.s. Discuss

(thought I'd bring some silly humor to the boards as I don't see much of it?

:/ come on man were supposed to be having fun not getting logical :( anyways I know there is ninjitsu and some ninja but not like we see on movies the stuff we all wish was true.

Also a thread on a flash series: Ninjai: The Little Ninja
Wow, this gets wierder every day. For the past semester we have had an upsurging of a Star Wars game that you basically go buy a lightsaber, sign up at these forums on proboards, and have Sith VS Jedi....

Then the other day we have someone come up with a nerf game, based on Resident Evil.

NOW we have somebody having a game with Pirates VS Ninjas.... this is getting old...

Anyway, on topic, I, of course, know ninjas were real, but like hearing little tales of them. Just recently someone had tried to convince me they could walk on water..... I responded that only I could do that. (my nickname is Jesus at school...)(joking, of course, no offense meant).
just google for the 'four ninja picture' theres a dozen forums discussing the presence of ninjas, the lack of presence of ninjas, and a few discussing the theology of the whole thing, but all with the tedious inevitability of nobody having a real answer.

Personally I tend towards the theory that it was created to prove a point that if you stare at your PC screen too long you start to see things. Who knows what you'll see if you stare too long, perhaps Leonard Nemoy deep in conversation with Ghandi over the philosophy of life. If you look closely at the second table to the right...
SittingDuckie said:
Personally I tend towards the theory that it was created to prove a point that if you stare at your PC screen too long you start to see things. Who knows what you'll see if you stare too long, perhaps Leonard Nemoy deep in conversation with Ghandi over the philosophy of life. If you look closely at the second table to the right...
There are no ninjas in the picture, its just a joke, relying on the idea that if a ninja didn't want to be seen he wouldn't be seen.
If you'd ever played WoW you would fully understand and believe that ninjas not only exist, but somehow work their way into every single group you make. :mad: