Recommendations for a DSL modem that doesn't suck


Posts: 243   +0
So I found out today that no, you cannot actually get port forwarding to work with the shitty no-name DSL-router combo that AT&T supplies.
I need a recommendation for DSL modem (or modem / router comb as they seem to be popular) that doesn't suck in the way that it will let me essentially run a web server from the connection without incident.
That is, I need to be able to forward ports through the firewall. (The one currently in use here well, doesn't let me do that... nor does it let you turn the firewall off.)
Really any DSL/router combo will be better than what you have. Linksys, Netgear, and DLink all make DSL modem/router combos. However, keep in mind AT&Fee may not support a 3rd party DSL modem. You maybe stuck with that box to have their service. If that is the case, I'd look into a different ISP. Hope this helps, take care!