Setup.exe found in all shared drives

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Hi all,

i have found a file 'setup.exe' in all my shared folders on my laptop and subsequently in shared folders on my desktop and assume it is malicious...

i have followed the instructions as per

so attached are my logs from MBAM, SAS and HJT...

any help to get rid of this would be really appreciated.


I'm sorry, but we do not support piracy. Due to the fact that your malwarebytee logfile clearly shows you have atleast one known crack/keygen, we will not help you.

This is the main reason your computer is infected. Visiting cracksites/warezsites - and other questionable/illegal sites is always a risk.

When you install the cracked software, you are running executable files from these dubious, unknown sources. You are in effect giving these sources access to information on your hard disk, and potential control over the operation of your computer.
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