TechSpot is hiring! We're looking for news reporters to join our team

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Just don't hire Captain Cranky, I can see the headlines that'll follow if you do.

They should have hired him a long time ago to write Musk articles.

Well, got the "Inquisitor" part, any news on the other part?

Yes. Round 1 of Trumpcare/Ryancare went to, well, nobody really. Democrats are counting this as a win, however. Just like they did when Hillary was polling well the day of the election. Sources close to the party say their analyst teams are being advised by the same person who coordinated the Falcons' defensive schemes during the Super Bowl, which was also given a 95+ confidence rating.

Internet forums and social media everywhere are bursting with speculation as to whether this is finally the end for Trump or if it is merely 9 dimensional chess designed to cut Paul Ryan off at the knees by employing Trump's preferred strategy of using heads-I-win-tails-you-lose political maneuvers to defeat his political opponents via the dastardly method of scoring a greater number of points.

An intelligence committee Republican, who may or may not be a Russian operative, has defected and may be providing the White House with evidence of wiretapping. Alec Baldwin could not be reached for comment.

Also, trucks:

What we need is a once a week we make a post about a certain game using the type of talk used in the game and year it was done in xD
They're not reposting. The commenters are bringing the topic back to the top.

Possibly the comment have an effect, but the topic is said to be created by Julio Franco on May 10, 2017, which suggests it's more than just an effect of comments. If someone came to this page and saw it was created in March, they'd know the call might be over. If they see it was posted in May, and it says it's open until April, it's simply confusing.
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