This moving dartboard ensures everyone gets a trophy

Shawn Knight

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Traditional pub games like darts or billiards can be loads of fun, assuming of course that you aren’t overly inebriated and have at least a sliver of skill. Being hammered or flat out sucking is going to make for a less-than-competitive game… that is, unless you somehow handicap the match.

That’s exactly what YouTube user Mark Rober did in building this automatic bullseye dartboard.

The result of more than three years of work with help from a co-worker, the dartboard tracks a dart as it is flying through the air and positions itself so that you’ll nail a bullseye every time (so long as the dart lands within a certain window, of course). Optionally, the board can make you terrible at darts by moving itself out of the way of incoming projectiles.

It may sound simple but as you’ll see in the clip, this thing is loaded with technology and needless to say, it was a huge hit at the pub!

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That is one of my ( pet peeves ), everyone gets a trophy... That is total BS, children need to learn that you need to work for what you want. I see it so much here in the USA, and its embarrassing. I just know in the future the USA Olympians are going to cry cause they wanted to place, and its just not fair, cause they wanted to so bad!
To me the real trophy is seeing the results of me working hard to win on my own merits.

And seeing your tax dollars go to " that person over there " who is perfectly capable of working, but chooses not to because that's too much work, and uncle sam has decided everyone deserves a paycheck.
It's a neat trick but it's pointless. It certainly won't make anyone a better dart player. They should tack the word "Gamer" onto it just like they do in the computer world. Not only can they charge a extortionate premium for the product but they can also sell more and it has the 'benefit' the placebo effect, making those palook... err, buyers think that they're actually improving without trying.
And seeing your tax dollars go to " that person over there " who is perfectly capable of working, but chooses not to because that's too much work, and uncle sam has decided everyone deserves a paycheck.
Thanks for politicizing my post. But since you did I would like to take the time to point out the real welfare queens are multi billion dollar corporations who have negative tax rates under the guise of job creation. So next time you see someone pull out their access card at the grocery store think about how Boeing received $13 billion from taxpayers.