Weekend Open Forum: Would you accept Deux Ex-like augmentations?

Easily wait till the guinea pig age is over (25 years or so, I'm young I have the time to do that). Hastily and excitedly I'd than go for Optical, smelling, and listening enhancements. Brain Amplifiers and etc. Not sure if I would go for body/muscle enhancers.
I honestly believe there are ups and downs to this kind of things. The future I feel is a it more believable is I, Robot and Wall-e.
I don't think so. This all sounds very appealing but that's the problem: pseudo-immortality for a price. Most technology can be hacked or otherwise controlled. The idea of having such tech in my body is not attractive.
I'm finding it hard to believe an epic religious Luddite such as yourself is on a site geared to the very things you seem to think are as much fiction as that story book you live your life by..

It's a nice idea but as a true Christian (not like those fakes who pick and chose which parts they follow) I have to say absolutely not because they are an affront to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his sacrificial atonement and as such research into them should be stopped along with all stem cell research and the teaching of all scientific theories which do not support the bible such as evolution, gravity, germ theory, the heliocentric model, general relativity, big bang cosmology, climate change, plate tectonics etc etc.