What does your desktop look like?

been a while since I've posted mine.

Well - it's been a while and I lost two machines since my last post in this thread. I'm currently in the process of bringing them back up and I've got a couple of WIP screenshots. I'll just update these screenies when I'm done rebuilding these machines.

Here's the Athlon 2600XP so far

and here's the Dual 733 so far

I'm actually much happier with how the Dual 733 is looking - so I'll probably be changing many things on the AMD machine.

I think someone has a spamming obsession.. If you want to demonstrate "cool" pics by the dozens, put them up on some webspace and link us to them.
Originally posted by ---agissi---
Nice stuff LNC - lol, SNGX has a folder called "fraud"....you up to something ;) ?
That was acutally for saving the webpage information, and the e-mails from that bestbuy.com credit card fraud deal.
Originally posted by SNGX1275
That was acutally for saving the webpage information, and the e-mails from that bestbuy.com credit card fraud deal.


Im just kidding man, its not like I thought you we're some guy making fraud deals :)
I am seeing some nice desktops here, keep on posting them ;) . I will be posting an updated version of mine again soon; I have made a few improvements and have managed to knock my used space up to 71.4GB :D .
Think I should remove the apple logo in the middle? I made the wallpaper myself so I could easily remove it.
I think it would look better without the logo, moving aside I dont like apple anyways, I think it would look better without the logo there.
I can't link mine here cause of nudity :), drop by the IRC channel and I'll linkie you, if I don't others will have the link. (yes she's that hot).