Who Believes in aliens??

Do u believe in aliens??

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baddmr2 said:
Ok.. yes there is no "degrees" in kelvin scale.. but -279 celcius does translate into -5.79 Kelvin on the conversion scale
You have no idea what you're talking about. Get it straight. -273.15 degrees Celsius = 0 Kelvin = The lowest possible temperature. There is nothing below -273.15 Celsius. There is nothing below 0 Kelvin.

CrossFire851 said:
It is not impossible to go beyond absolute 0.
Just not here on earth.
You couldn't be more wrong. Take a thermodynamics class before spouting such garbage.
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&q=define:absolute zero

it doesn't get any clearer than that...

temperature is a measure of the motion of atoms and molecules. steam has a high temperature because the water molecules are moving more rapidly than, say, the molecules in a block of ice, which has a lower temperature. because all matter is totally motionless at absolute zero, it is at the lowest temperature possible. matter cannot become more motionless than it is at absolute zero.
Hey guess what dudes. I told that guy weeks ago, that there is no temperature below 0K. That is really the end of discussion, that dude was wrong.
lithiumdeuterid said:
At least I have no illusions about my vanity. I don't think you have any letters after your name. If you do, they should be forcibly taken away.
That is correct. They are not solid in the way you think of things as solid. They do not behave like, say, marbles or ball bearings.
No, I wouldn't suggest that. I'm not saying there aren't infinite layers of sub-particles, but I don't think there are.
Yes. Forces are the ONLY things that hold ANYTHING together. If this doesn't seem obvious to you, then your idea of what "force" is flat-out wrong.
Like I said before, the 1/r^2 dependence of many forces (electric field, magnetic field, gravity) is accurate on the macroscopic scale. On the atomic scale, things do not have a well-defined position, and do not therefore have a well-defined distance from each other. The 1/r^2 approximation does not work well on this scale.
i * h * derivative(Psi(x,t),t) = -h^2 / (2m) * derivative(Psi(x,t),x,x) + V(x) * Psi

Psi(x,t) = the wave function, a function of position and time
i = the square root of (-1)
h = hbar, a universal constant
m = the mass of the particle
V = the potential, a function of space
derivative(a,b) = the derivative of a with respect to b
derivative(a,b,b) = the second derivative of a with respect to b

That's the one-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger wave equation. It's an empirical formula, but basically all of quantum mechanics is derived from it. Just solve that equation for Psi for a given potential V(x), then normalize Psi. Psi^2 gives you the probability density of the particle as a function of space and time. The 3-dimensional Schrodinger equation is even more complicated.

Thanks for the uneccessary breakdown, I just did not realize that the whole of the scientific community with most prominent and respected scientists had come to agreement on all theories past and present. (last time i checked, there were quite a few different theories and models of the universe with formulae that seem to work perfectly well for some (like String theory).) must agree with you that anyone with different plane of thought from you should have qualifications forcibly removed. I hail you with respect for your experitise in rudeness. I have a recipe for the perfect hamburger but i dare not mention it because you will probably rudely try to ram yours down my throat and there would be no end until i agree with you. oh please..........
All this is fine, but what about the speed of dark?

If you take a 4 cm square block of frozen hydrogen and surround it with monopole magnets, Will you be able to put a man on the sun???
Only if you go at night
YES! I absolutely believe in Aliens

I have been Pagan since I was born. I work with a very large fleet of "aliens" we have over 95 different races involved. I have been actively working with them for 21years. They are my family. (I met my Admiral/soulmate when I was 3yrs old.) If you know anything about the "federation" and no NOT star treck. The Planet behind the orange nebula behind Orion-, and the fight we have been in to free everyone. And commander Tom. Let me know. If not--no big deal! They are my beliefs I live by and not necessary for others to believe the same. *Grin* What is variety if we all believed in the same things. How would we grow without others beliefs and thoughts.
Do I?

I do believie in aliens. Acturally. I believe that they were here first, so actually they are earthlings.
Go figure.
I believe there were at least 5 different races who populated this planet a long time ago, that is why we have such variety in humanity now.