You can't block Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan on Facebook


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If you were the CEO of a social network behemoth that boasted 2 billion monthly average users, would you fix it so nobody could block you and your wife? That’s the claim some Facebook users directed at Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan when they found the function didn’t work on the pair, but the actual reason has nothing to do with ego.

It was way back at the start of the year when reports began emerging of an inability to block Zuckerberg. Doing so asks users to confirm their decision, warning that the CEO will no longer be able to start conversations or add you as a friend, which, let’s face it, was pretty unlikely to happen. But the next popup simply explains that “This profile can’t be blocked for now.”

It was later discovered that attempting to block Zuckerberg’s spouse, Priscilla Chan, is met with the same lack of success.

Rather than being some awful “my site, my rules” scenario, Facebook explained that the reason the pair can’t be blocked is because too many users have already done it. Thanks to the way blocks are coded, there's a limit to how many times one person can be blocked.

“This error isn’t specific to any one account. It’s generated when a person has been blocked a certain large number of times. In very rare instances, a viral campaign will develop instructing lots of people to all wrongly block the same person,” a Facebook spokesperson told the Guardian.

If for some reason you’re determined to hide yourself from a member of Zuckerberg’s family, it’s still possible to block his sister, Randi. Or you could try to show the fifth-richest person in the world how much you dislike him by blocking his dog, a Puli named Beast.

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"Thanks to the way blocks are coded, there's a limit to how many times one person can be blocked."

That's just programing stupidity!
"Thanks to the way blocks are coded, there's a limit to how many times one person can be blocked."

That's just programing stupidity!
Did you read the paragraph under that part?

“This error isn’t specific to any one account. It’s generated when a person has been blocked a certain large number of times. In very rare instances, a viral campaign will develop instructing lots of people to all wrongly block the same person,”

It's due to those bogus message chains going out saying to block so and so because if they friend you they will hack your account... Lol
"You can't block Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan on Facebook".
Oh yes I can, and did, very easily in fact. I just closed my account and got rid of FB a few years ago. FB was never anything that interested me much or something I'd regularly use, I was just trying it out to see what all the fuss was about back then, I wasn't impressed in the least and shuttered it.
HAHAHA .... I got a call from a friend of mine awhile back telling me I had not updated my Facebook page in over 5 years, to which I replied ...... "I have a face book page???"
He's amount of money will cure that but he don't care except when he look in mirror
"Thanks to the way blocks are coded, there's a limit to how many times one person can be blocked."

That's just programing stupidity!
Did you read the paragraph under that part?

“This error isn’t specific to any one account. It’s generated when a person has been blocked a certain large number of times. In very rare instances, a viral campaign will develop instructing lots of people to all wrongly block the same person,”

It's due to those bogus message chains going out saying to block so and so because if they friend you they will hack your account... Lol
And what's wrong with that. Are users so vain that being blocked is so painful an experience they need to be protected from it? Is being blocked that much the end of the world?
I agree it's programming stupidity!
Improve your life, use facebook less, get out more.
and you can't do both?
Well, I suppose you could but, only if you have one smart phone up against the window of your self driving car, taking pictures, and sending them to the other phone you have in your lap...

Hey, it could work! I think even Verizon is down to 40 bucks a month for each added line. *nerd*(y)
I willing to bet you an obscene amount of money that I don't have, all you need to do is log in because your account is still there.
Of course it's still there, they're not gonna get rid of anyone's personal data, it's valuable to them (more so the three letter agencies) but the thing is, apart from my name, I never gave them a phone no. or residential address, everything has changed since then so it's all outdated and irrelevant data they have on file... but they have long reaching tentacles.
Some people just thought up of funny stuff to do, I would have never thought of blocking ZB until I see this post. And now I cant.
There is nothing wrong with social media like facebook, its the amount of time people spend on it.

What you mean people looking at the phone while walking and running into on-coming traffic? I see that quite a lot. I made a rule when going out, you pick up the phone you downing a shot.
What you mean people looking at the phone while walking and running into on-coming traffic? I see that quite a lot. I made a rule when going out, you pick up the phone you downing a shot.
You must mean the constitution workers playing games on their phones as the wander into the highway and get run over.
And then the driver goes to jail because of the Facebook game playing pancake worker didn't pay attention.