Unlike the Core 2 Duo, Intel's multi-CPU Xeon platformed called "Tulsa" is being met with harsh criticism. Likely due to it being the last in the line of the NetBurst CPUs, Tulsa is solid when it comes to performance but still a notoriously power hungry beast that relies on the aging and unpopular architecture. It seems even internally, Intel isn't all too happy with it:

Jeff Gilbert, one of Intel's leads behind Tulsa, said the company is at odds over how much backing to throw Tulsa's way. While the chip performs better than expected, its reliance on the NetBurst architecture makes it somewhat of a lame-duck.
On to bigger and better things, I suppose. As dual-core Xeon variants based on more efficient architectures come along, it's likely that Tulsa will all but disappear in a fairly short span of time. AMD has quite a leg up when it comes to superior server offerings currently, leaving a huge area for Intel to strike back at. With companies like Dell and Sun now carrying Opterons, Intel must be raring to go.