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Excel Invoice Manager Platinum 2.10.1014

Manage customers, products, invoices and payments easily. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about Excel Invoice Manager Platinum

Built using Active-Template technology, seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Excel, Excel Invoice Manager does provide some unique features, allowing you to manage customers, products, invoices and payments with ease.

By integrating with Microsoft Excel, Excel Invoice Manager provides a true What You See Is What You Get interface not only for creating and editing invoices, but also for designing your own invoices with various tools provided by Microsoft Excel. By utilizing Active-Template technology, you can connect to databases directly from the Excel template, and easily manage large amount of data such as your customers, products, invoices and payments.

Unlike Express edition, Platinum edition has the ability to search customers, products and invoices in all data list windows. For detailed information about the difference between editions, please see the help document.

The invoice template included is completely free and can be used standalone to create and calculate invoices. Read more.

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