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Arabic Keyboard Typing Tutor 4.2

This software is written in order to increase your arabic typing spead. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about Arabic Keyboard Typing Tutor

This software is written in order to increase your arabic typing spead, through teaching the basics of how to put your hand on to the keyboard and give some training examples.
Each lesson teaches some extrac keys, and there is also a practise, if it is choosen, one can practise the previous keys learned throught the previous lessons. The sentences choosen in the practise are mostly meaningful, some of them are arabic peoms, some are arabic common sentences and some are wise sentences.

The first window, contains two columns, the left column carry the user names. The program can enable different users to work on the same computer, and each user has his own data, and details as the last lesson he reached and his typing speed. The right column carries the buttons as shown. Read more.

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