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InfoWonder 2.0

PIM for notes, audio, images, websites and custom forms; full reminder setup. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about InfoWonder

InfoWonder is a new kind of personal information organizer built on a unique plugin-in architecture. It will manage many different types of information: word processed notes (which can include existing or new voice/audio recordings, images, links to URLs or other InfoWonder items), web pages, and user-created fill-in forms to simplify repetitive data entry. InfoWonder has a comprehensive search capability that can locate items in your database that contain particular text, even searching web pages that are saved as "items" using the built-in web browser plugin. InfoWonder has a comprehensive reminder capability that supports an advanced recurrence setup.

More features: spell checker for your word-processed notes; calendar view that shows events scheduled for various periods of time; automatic backup including all program preferences making it easy to move all data to another machine; print item lists or full contents of individual or multiple item; import/export text files;! customize the sounds, colors, toolbars and layout used by InfoWonder; record and playback audio files and include links to the recordings in note items; "favorites" tab bar gets you back to folders you use frequently; back/forward keystrokes allows you to retrace your viewed items; automatic startup with windows, and can be hidden in the system tray; simple, familiar Windows Explorer interface; and much more. Read more.

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