Now downloading...

Personal Firewall 2.01

Shield your computer against hackers and all unsolicited connections. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

While you download, you should know...

  • Personal Firewall is available for multiple platforms (Windows (98/Me/2000/XP/2003)).
  • Personal Firewall has been downloaded 2,136 times so far.
  • All files are on their original form. No installers or bundles are allowed.
  • Thank you for choosing TechSpot as your download destination.

More about Personal Firewall

Don't wait for hackers to break into your files and steal your credit cards and confidential information:
stop all unsolicited network connections and access to your computer - without impeding your browsing.

Every time you connect to the Internet your computer is at risk. Personal Firewall protects you from threats external and
internal - both from hackers and from malicious software you might have downloaded without knowing. Read more.

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