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Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP

IE8 takes the Web experience beyond the page and introduces a new way to seamlessly experience the power of the Web. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP

Internet Explorer 8 is the latest version of the familiar web browser you are most comfortable using, helping you get everything you want from the web faster, easier, more privately and securely than ever before.

* Faster Internet Explorer 8 is more responsive with new pages and tabs, opening up fast and reliably. You can now get to the information you care about most, in fewer steps; one click access to your webmail, favorite news sites or other online services.

* Easier Reduce the steps to accomplish many common tasks, and automate your access to real time information updates. You can keep track of your favorite sports team, news, weather with a single click.

* More Private Helps protect your privacy and confidential information where ever you go on the web.

* More Secure Helps protect and stop malicious software from reaching your PC, and makes it easier to detect when a website is an imposter. Read more.

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