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MacPorts 2.9.3

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system. Learn what's new on this latest version. Click here if the download does not begin automatically.

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More about MacPorts

To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a BSD 3-Clause License, and through it easy access to thousands of ports that greatly simplify the task of compiling and installing open-source software on your Mac.

We provide a single software tree that attempts to track the latest release of every software title (port) we distribute, without splitting them into "stable" Vs. "unstable" branches, targeting mainly the current Mac OS X release (10.8, A.K.A. Mountain Lion) and the immediately previous two (10.7, A.K.A. Lion and 10.6, A.K.A. Snow Leopard). There are currently 17390 ports in our tree, distributed among 87 different categories, and more are being added on a regular basis. Read more.

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