Zafi-D is still top-dog virus, with some 44 per cent of all reports to anti-virus vendor Sophos for the first month of this year. NetSky-P is in second place, accounting for 19.4 per cent of reports of viral activity to Sophos.

All in all, the top-ten lineup of viruses as reported to Sophos now looks to be:

1. Zafi-D
2. NetSky-P
3. Zafi-B
4. Sober-I
5. NetSky-D
6. NetSky-Z
7. Bagle-AA
8. NetSky-B
9. MyDoom-O
10. NetSky-C

Also, Sophos estimates that 4.3 per cent of emails circulating last month were viral. This does, however, represent a slight decrease, down from 5.6 per cent for December 2004. As always, we recommend that you install up to date anti-virus software, that you regularly patch your OS with the latest security fixes, and that you install a personal firewall system. More here.