While a cash flow of $10.2 Billion isn't small change, a mere .2 of that is what Intel missed their predictions by for Q4 2005, much to the chagrin of investors. Dual Core took off in the second half of 2005, but overall Intel experienced low CPU sales during the last bit of the year, which is what Intel is pointing at as the cause of the miss. Of course, that's not really bad news for Intel.

"2005 was our third consecutive year of double-digit revenue and earnings growth, leading to the best operating results in the company's history," said Intel CEO Paul Otellini. "Although we fell below our expectations for the fourth quarter, we enter 2006 with exciting new products like the Intel Core Duo and Viiv."
Intel made a lot of promises at IDF last year and made a lot of people drool at the CES, so it's likely that they will push even harder this year. I won't be surprised to see Intel make big gains in their targets with Viiv and dual-core laptops, but hopefully AMD will continue to keep them on their toes.