Once again, Apple and AT&T are both finding themselves under attack for the service they deliver. A lawsuit has been filed against both companies, claiming that the Internet access on the iPhone 3G is too slow, or at least slow enough to be considered false advertising on Apple's part. This comes after numerous other lawsuits the company has faced over the iPhone 3G, most of them focused on 3G reception and 3G speeds. Though at first defensive, Apple did eventually admit that there were issues with 3G reception on the iPhone and of course this would consequently impact speed.

In this latest suit, the companies are being asked to change their advertising and labeling. To Apple's credit, though, they aren't supplying or maintaining the infrastructure that the iPhone relies upon. Their advertising may be over-dramatized, which is not something unexpected, but the network itself is owned by AT&T. If Apple has already fixed 3G reception issues on the iPhone, what's left seems to be primarily in AT&T's ballpark.