The Super Bowl Is Gay!

ROFL, I love the part where he says vacuum cleaners are gay! ROFL, funny stuff man, funny stuff.

[size=1]Edited because of language [/size]
Oh, what!?!

It did make me smile for a bit, but to be honest, I think that kid is a little gay.

He also certainly looks like he likes hamburgers a bit too much.

But I guess the whole thing is a little "smelly cat" so it was worth a smile for about 4-10 seconds.
Yeah, that porker has no skill, but its still really funny to see him sing and try to play the guitar. But at least he admits that he's gay at the end!
I wouldn't be surprised if he turned around and sued them for making him fat!!! There is a local suit going on with McDonalds right now. If people realized that the comanies have nothing to do with it, it is all the person......oh well.....
EXACTLY. That really gets me angry!! Fat people blaming others for being fat just because they can't keep their mouthes shut. Do they not realize what would happen to the industry if a company such as Mc Donalds were to be shut down or go out of business because of them! Not only would they lose a lot of friends, (if they have any to start with) but companies that sell their products to Mc Donalds and also the Ronald McDonald House Charities would be shut down as well. A lot of people around the world would go hungry all because of some fat ***.
I don't like people who complain in general. They're not getting anywhere with it. People who go out of their way to make life worse for other people, even if they're making their life better, suck. I can't believe people these days.


Glad I stopped there. I could continue :D

That was a bit off topic :D

Originally posted by StormBringer
That video was kind of stupid. Funny how people love to show the world how completely ignorant they are.

That's what the internet is all about.
Fat people don't have the rights to sue fast food chains for making them fat, it so dubious and senseless. Obesity is a result of their inability to control themselves.