Being taken advantage of at work? Web Developer #struggles


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I have started working at this company 3 years ago. At the time my job position (Junior Web Developer) was available for £700 a month as I had to take a pay-cut and enroll in an apprenticeship (company can't afford you unless you take a pay-cut and enroll in an Apprenticeship). A year has gone past, had no time to do any of the course work and work really needed me on projects rather than apprenticeship stuff and I couldn't keep up. So I ditched it and they employed me full time. This time I was getting £1000 (after tax) for, another, year...

I kicked up a fuss regarding it and demanded £1500 but they met me at £1350. This is year 3 and have been on this salary for around 6 months.

The amount of money they have saved is beyond me.

Now I was selling my computer, I offered it to work for £800 (great specs, decent price). They have said they will buy it off me, so I waited for good 3-4 weeks (while they used it all). In the end boss decided that he did not want it and its best to sell it on ebay. I was like fine. A few days later I pretty much sold all the parts. However, the screen that I have for sale, the manager (friend, once upon a time) has said that his current financial situation means he cant buy it. He told me he will ask our main boss but of course, lets be fair its not going to go through. He has been taking from work and home for a good month so extra wear and tear is probably there.

The company skimpted out on legit adobe/window license, so a lot of pirated **** floating around (tbf I help installing most of it). They tend to employ apprentices just to get the government grant (by the looks of it). I personally had no lead developer teach me the ropes, I was the only developer now we have another that we outsource and one 17 year old freshmen.

What do I do in this situation? Am I being a ***** and butthurt and should man up, save money and leave? (take clients with me)?. I would leave the job but I have no savings (stupid me!).

Take a deep breath, two tall Scotch on the Rocks, go kick the dog and take a L O N G walk.

Start looking for another position ....

Welcome to software development :sigh: