Craigslist is a great way to find stuff at a bargain or make some quick cash by offloading stuff you no longer need or want. But for the opulent among us looking to buy or sell high-end goods, there's a better choice out there that most ordinary people aren't even aware of.

POSH is described as a Craigslist for the rich. It can only be accessed through the Bloomberg Terminal, a trading and research service that is used to analyze the financial markets in real-time. The service is offered via subscription model which will set you back a cool $24,000 annually.

That fact alone pretty much means POSH is off-limits to everyone except the one percent.

For those that do have access, however, there's a wealth of high-end luxury items up for sale. Things like private jets, diamond rings, Rolex watches, exotic and rare cars and even multi-million dollar mansions litter the rudimentary looking classified section.

You can even purchase a medieval castle in Italy complete with olive orchard, vineyard, private golf course, tennis club, guest houses and a helipad. The price? Just north of $27 million.

With a name like POSH and the fact that it's only accessible through an expensive subscription, you'd expect the site to at least offer a modern web design. But as you can see from the screenshots, that certainly isn't the case.