$500 Glasses simulate a 75-inch screen


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Ever dreamed of a future where you could simply throw on a pair of trendy looking glasses and be able to comfortably watch anything you wanted to?
I don't know, may be these will be popular with 'pron' lovers ......
Well, "art photography" is now being published @ up to 90 Megapixel resolutions! These are photos with up to 10,000 pixels on the long axis!

This is pointless overkill, IMHO.

So, slap all the glasses on you want on you can't fake 1920p up to 10,000p.

That said, unfortunately the "artist" responsible for these extreme resolution images, is also the master of what I call, "boor-nography". It's all textbook technique, with the finest equipment, great models, and mostly results in mindlessly repetitive, or what some like to call, "flip book" images.