AMD admits to restraining chip supply to keep higher CPU and GPU prices

I agree it is luxury goods.
Just saying it was cheaper in the past when it was an even bigger luxury given it was much much smaller market. At the moment, most of the gamers can't upgrade to the new generations due to absolutely insane prices. Luxury or not, the current market is ****ed up and it's because of shareholder interest.
I guess you missed my post. I'll post the newegg links again here:
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600: $225
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600 XT: $270
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6650 XT: $290

The RX 6600 is deceptively fast. At 1080p, it gets bottlenecked by an i9-10900K. Those cards are all under $300USD and $225 for a card that can run any game anywhere at 1080p and most at 1440p for $225 has never been a bad deal. Hell, the RX 580's launch price was $229 and nobody complained about that.
I own an RTX 3080 that I bought at launch and ordered a 7900xtx (non-reference because I’m not an *****, this applies to both vendors). I cancelled my order yesterday because the asking price (after waiting 60 days!) is $1700 cad, that’s just ridiculous and I’m not paying 50% more for minimal gains. This was AMDs chance to eat some marketshare but their focus is on keeping shareholders happy in the short term. I’m a wealthy guy that has owned 6 graphics cards from each vendor, this isn’t a cost issue, it’s a value for money issue. The last two cards I bought, 1080ti and RTX3080 were genuine performance per dollar improvements, the Rtx 4000 series and the 7000 series from AMD are ridiculously expensive. I’m 41 years old, my wifes about to turn 30, we’re going to go party in Tulum tonight and I’m going to spend money on my life instead of overpriced gpus. Their loss, not mine.
You're not a what? I have a reference RX 6800 XT and it works just fine. You think that AMD had a hand in what the AIB partner charges? One thing you are is kinda nuts. Not a single person who read that post thought that you were justified in your rant (no likes).

If you TRULY were concerned with performance-per-dollar, you wouldn't have purchased an RTX 3080, you would've purchased an RX 6800 XT. How can you justify paying the $1000+CAD for a card that has 10GB of VRAM when your 1080 Ti has 11GB?

There are way to many holes and false assumptions in your post to take you seriously and I'm saying this as a fellow Canadian who is also limited to Canada Computers, Memory Express and Newegg, just like you.
And they will not since they are also manufacturing the automotive industry chips... and they are still 2 years late in orders for their current lineup of cars. There is a reason why Warren Buffett is betting on TSMC.

That I'm not really sure about. The car industry is mostly not relying on high-end processes, but 16 and 28nm, for some chips even older processes. Only very modern infotainment systems are relying on 12nm or earlier.
Either way, the big price increases have been for N6, N5 and N4 based processes.

Also keep in mind that consoles have been out for a while and they will be mostly setting the pace for advancements in game engine technology. You will not not see as much demand for new hardware going forward, unless you have another spike in GPU mining in a couple of months.
I guess you missed my post. I'll post the newegg links again here:
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600: $225
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6600 XT: $270
ASRock Challenger D Radeon RX 6650 XT: $290

The RX 6600 is deceptively fast. At 1080p, it gets bottlenecked by an i9-10900K. Those cards are all under $300USD and $225 for a card that can run any game anywhere at 1080p and most at 1440p for $225 has never been a bad deal. Hell, the RX 580's launch price was $229 and nobody complained about that.

True indeed. And the 10GB 6700 also shows up at good prices. Around here it's cheaper than the 6650 XT.
Allow me to clear things up for you.
Selling you a $1000 video card - not a scam.
Selling you a $1000 video card but shipping you lead weights instead -- scam.

Any more questions?
(Des-)Organizing supply so as to artificially increase prices = scam in my opinion. Is this clearer to you? Where is the holy law of supply and demand here?
(Des-)Organizing supply so as to artificially increase prices = scam in my opinion... Where is the holy law of supply and demand here?
Being angry doesn't allow you to redefine the language. A scam involves fraud or deception. Your confusion lies in your terms themselves: there is no such thing as an "artificial" increase in price. Companies continually adjust production levels to maximize profits. If Levi Strauss produced as many jeans as possible, they'd sell for pennies apiece. Mercedes could produce so many cars that new ones would cost $1K, not $75K. Would they earn a profit on them? No.

The law of supply and demand operates just fine. But that law is not defined as "the world is required to grant me the lowest possible price on videogame accessories."
I just have to end my comments on this particular article saying that I'm kind of glad prices shot through the roof, and only for 2 reasons. I quit buying new PC hardware and quit buying new games. I used to upgrade needlessly. Now I'm just content. (y) (Y)(y) (Y).

Just one word to tech companies over pricing things. 🖕
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I just have to end my comments on this particular article saying that I'm kind of glad prices shot through the roof, and only for 1 reason. I quit buying new PC hardware and quit buying new games. I used to upgrade needlessly. Now I'm just content. (y) (Y)(y) (Y).

Just one word to tech companies over pricing things. 🖕
It's true. The only reason that I bought my RX 6800 XT was because it was the first Radeon reference card that I'd ever seen that didn't use a blower. I was perfectly content with my RX 5700 XT and I imagine that I'll be content with my RX 6800 XT for at least five years. This is also why I made sure that I got my hands on a 5800X3D. Just like you, I don't want to have to hand over any money to these companies before this hysteria dies down. Since I don't know when this hysteria will die down, the longer my current rig lasts, the better! ;)
True indeed. And the 10GB 6700 also shows up at good prices. Around here it's cheaper than the 6650 XT.
That's even better. I'm really not understanding why AMD didn't push the RX 6700 more than they did. I honestly didn't know it existed until long after it was released because nobody was talking about it. I actually discovered its existence from a YouTube video made by "RandomGamingInHD". To say that I was surprised would be an understatement.

That RX 6700 10GB is a great deal because it has the same VRAM as the RTX 3080. Now, 10GB isn't great but the RX 6700 is made primarily for high-FPS 1080p gaming and, for that, 10GB will be good for a long time.
No one is ethically or morally obligated to practice price fixing, whatever the product sold either! Are you implying that, because a graphics card is a non essential product (I do agree on that BTW), one is entitled to organize a scam? That would be a little bold IMHO...

What scam? Scammers don't generally announce publicly that they are scamming.
I agree it is luxury goods.
Just saying it was cheaper in the past when it was an even bigger luxury given it was much much smaller market. At the moment, most of the gamers can't upgrade to the new generations due to absolutely insane prices. Luxury or not, the current market is ****ed up and it's because of shareholder interest.

Easy fix. Don't buy a top-end card until the prices change. If enough people don't buy the new cards, the prices will drop.
there is no such thing as an "artificial" increase in price.
You really do believe this? Well, you must be a very happy man! :laughing: As for me, I will not buy a brand new GPU from now on. Been doing that for a few years now, and that's fine. I wait 1/2 years before upgradin with the previous generation high end hardware, and I end up paying 3 times less. I do the same with TVs and pretty much everything else, and I save a lot doing this. But saying that there is "no such thing as an artificial increase in price" is quite bold IMO. Companies are always super honest and never, ever, try to get a profit in a dishonest way, that's a well known fact! Same with a lot of things (think oil here...). When prices are up, price at the station goes up, but when it goes down, they always find a good reason for the prices not to go down, go figure...