An indie developer is suing 100 Steam community members over abusive comments

We have an old saying here "Stick and Stone may break our bones, but words will never hurt me". They should man up and stfu!

On a different note, anyone else notice how he was happy to let the insults and idle threats (which they all were, not were valid death threats) slide as long as he was making money. As soon as Valve take them off the steam they are going all out guns blazing. Obviously they cared more about money then that actual "threats".

If anyone does get taken to court, they should counter sue for being sold false promises and potentially copyrighted material.
I think this is the outcome of letting anyone submit a game to stream greenlight without adequate vetting.

Having seen the super shady actions of this DEV: Numerous assest flips uploaded using different company names (even copyrighted ones), l verbally attacking anyone who posted a negative review only to delete the thread completely once they realized what they did. The list goes on and on.

I think its fair to say these brothers are not currently game developers and that they should just pack it in, stop. Try something else that they might be good at or enrole in some course to git good at making games