Apart from computers... what are u into?

Jogging, although it's bit difficult now with temperatures below -20F.

Ju-jutsu, hokutoryu style to be more precise. I started it last October, might get orange belt by the end of this year.
howard_hopkinso said:
Insect/wildlife photography, astronomy, and walking my rather large dog are what does it for me lol.

Regards Howard :)

That is a rather large dog! :eek: I've got an old labrador, but she doesn't feel like walking very far these days!

Mictlantecuhtli said:
Jogging, although it's bit difficult now with temperatures below -20F.

Ju-jutsu, hokutoryu style to be more precise. I started it last October, might get orange belt by the end of this year.

All of a sudden I am feeling very unfit!
Movies, programming, teaching, news.

Anyone remember "The Hunt for Red October".

Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Steve Martin, Robert Deniro.. are some of my favorites.
The transfer to DVD was terrible, wonder if they have re-released it remastered and with any extras. I bought it and it looks terrible, it looks like someone drug their VHS copy out of the closet, ran it through a dirty VCR and used that to create the DVD.
I seen it when it was first released if I remember correctly. But I know what you mean with the quality. I just bought a Megadeth box DVD set. And the sound quality is as if they used a micro cassette recorder or something. I started to take it back to the store!
I used to be into boxing, mu thai boxing and golf, really wanna start again soon. Went to Redang Island in the motherland for a while and scuba dived everyday I was there, If you ever get the chance, don't turn it down!! A really awesome experience - Plan on doing it again now that I have a license. And ofcourse, computers, mainly gaming / study of computers.
rockybalboa said:
Cool! Do you have any pics yet?
i only have the start which is the word DROOG going vertical on my upper right arm, but on either side of the arm i have 2 different screenshots that are gonna be incorperated, i do have a partial pic of my full sleeve though



i know the pics are low quality, i have a disk somewhere with better pics but i dont know where it is at the moment

Well being a college student I have alot of school work I have to do, and being in West Virginia I enjoy alot of hiking and outdoorsy type things. I love movies and gaming as well.

Oh yea the occasional party as well :D
Great tats, I love Japanese art :) Just a case of having enough money to do everything I want!

AtK SpAdE said:
Oh yea the occasional party as well :D

When you are a student this goes without saying ...:haha:
Raising, spending time with, and showing my rabbits is my only true hobby. Only been at it a lil over a year, but I love every minute of it..AND it gets me out of the house...I've met some truly wonderful people in my newer hobby!

I do alot of reading in regards to their care to better help the vet with things/understand what they tell me! ;)...as there isn't alot of rabbit vet knowledge out there!
I'm starting to get back into Audio/Video (home entertainment) but there is only so much of this you can do with children ;) I assume playing video games falls into the computers department even if it's a console.
Um...Visual Basic .NET (a little); malware removal; web design...oh wait, you said apart from computers...I'd have to think awhile.
Me?..... Well I go 2 a boarding school in England, private, but it is co-ed. Don't flame me or being posh or rich or anything lol. I think I am the only 1 of my type on TS.

I LOVE rugby, I play for England academy (U16's).
I am into my school work (a bit).

Thats about me.....
Well aparts from PCs I love Basketball.

To bad the season is over. But hello summer leagues woo-hoo!

At the moment I'm running track, and have a meet tomorrow. (I hate track though).

The only sport I plan to do next year is basketball. Football can suck it next year. Three concecutive years of playing and I haven't been passed to in a game? Three offensive plays the entire season! Average of five downs a game? **** Football and the coaches for that matter. I can almost dunk and I plan to. Yeah are team is 1/9! (We lost 9).

So go basketball.
I've never paintballed before, what is it like?

Yeah it's always fun, for some reason every time I shoot you hear the guy from quake say "HEADSHOT!!" :D

Well I like to make 3d models and take pictures of stuff when im bored, also make Machinama ( dont know if it's spelt right ) it's when you get FRAPs or something and record games and make them into movies or something ;)