Borderlands 2 release date is 09/18, new trailer uploaded


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2K Games and Gearbox Software have announced September 18 as the official U.S. release date for Borderlands 2. The game will be released internationally on the September 21. Also accompanying the announcement is a brand new, three-minute trailer which poses an exceptionally thought-provoking question: are you ready to joy puke your face off? 

Borderlands 2 kicks off a new era of Shoot and Loot on September 18th in the US and September 21st Internationally!

Pre-order the game and gain access to the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club which allows you to download awesome in-game items. To find out more on how to pre-order please visit

Gearbox promises 870 gajillion more guns, 96.5% more wub wub and claims Borderlands 2 will be 1000 degrees hotter than its predecessor. However, the company failed to clarify whether or not the measurement they took was in units of Celsius or Fahrenheit.

The trailer is a very cool one and features four new characters: Salvador the dual-wielding gunzerker, Maya the substantially different siren, a soldier-like character named Axton and Zero who appears to be a sword-wielding assassin.

The video gives us a taste of what to expect from the imminent Borderlands sequel -- an "epic" campaign with 4-player co-op, vehicle riding, more skills and split screen play. The trailer also shares with us some game play footage, a glimpse at Maya's skill tree and the return of Handsome Jack as the main antagonist.

Some things we already know about the game include ternary skill trees for each player class containing a diverse set of skills and cheap respeccing. Players will also be able to freely distribute their skill points across multiple trees. It was Gearbox's intention to encourage players to tinker with their characters and try different things. 

Borderlands 2 is based upon the Unreal 3 engine and is available to pre-order for the PC, Xbox 360 or Playstation 3.

The video is a trailer of few words, but here's the transcript:

Handsome Jack. This tyrant will be the end of us all. We're gonna need a lot of guns.

Pandora's changed, are you ready?

Permalink to story.

Borderlands was absolutely incredible! Huge easter egg! I rocked tha kazba with UZZZZIZ!
Did they just say 96.5% more wub wub? *clicks pre-order button*

Borderlands was a good game; it just lacked variety. This game seems to fix all of that by spicing things up with 4 player co-op, more characters, monsters, skills, and guns. They weren't lying about the guns, I didn't see the same gun twice throughout the whole trailer.
One of the best non realistic FPS games you can get!
Definitely will pause playing Skyrim (whit mods) to play this one.
ramonsterns said:
Who picks the music? Nobody likes dubstep.

Disclaimer: If you like dubstep you are not a person.

Nobody takes dubstep seriously, that's why it's perfect for borderlands. The whole game is satire.
lawfer said:
Did they just say 96.5% more wub wub? *clicks pre-order button*

Borderlands was a good game; it just lacked variety. This game seems to fix all of that by spicing things up with 4 player co-op, more characters, monsters, skills, and guns. They weren't lying about the guns, I didn't see the same gun twice throughout the whole trailer.

Lolwat. There was 4-player co-op in the first game. The trailer also doesn't make it clear whether or not the classes from the first game will be available, or if it'll just be the 4 new classes introduced that'll be playable (in which case the number of playable characters is the same).

Seriously, if you didn't play the game in co-op, you missed some cool things, because they upped both the difficulty and the gun drops with more players. Unless you're talking about split-screen on the console, because **** that ****. Vertical split is literally the worst thing possible.
...and just when you thought the violence overfloats our screens, you get one more of these, now cartooned. Next thing will be the Muppets figures chasing each other with bazookas, bfg-s and alike...damn...
Loved this game for the story-mode Co-op. I really wish more games would come out like that. Imagine playing Mass Effect 1 to 3 in story mode co-op. The biggest challenge would be deciding who gets to be Shepard.
When diablo 3 comes out I'm gonna call in sick...for the year. Then next year I'll pick borderlands up and call in sick for that year...
Oh and dubstep is awesome. If that makes me not a person I'm cool with that.
I got the goty edition on amazon a week ago for 6.99. I'm hooked to the game. The only thing laking is the story.
example1013 said:
lawfer said:
Did they just say 96.5% more wub wub? *clicks pre-order button*

Borderlands was a good game; it just lacked variety. This game seems to fix all of that by spicing things up with 4 player co-op, more characters, monsters, skills, and guns. They weren't lying about the guns, I didn't see the same gun twice throughout the whole trailer.

Lolwat. There was 4-player co-op in the first game. The trailer also doesn't make it clear whether or not the classes from the first game will be available, or if it'll just be the 4 new classes introduced that'll be playable (in which case the number of playable characters is the same).

Seriously, if you didn't play the game in co-op, you missed some cool things, because they upped both the difficulty and the gun drops with more players. Unless you're talking about split-screen on the console, because **** that ****. Vertical split is literally the worst thing possible.

I wasn't talking about the consoles; I assume the 4-play co-op will be possible on PC, no?

Still, it is a widely known fact Borderlands got boring pretty quickly because of repetitive enemies and areas.
There must be one marketing consultant group that is helping all these game developers create trailers... Because they're all starting to look different from the past, but all the new ones are starting to look the same. I'm not complaining, they look nice and are entertaining to watch but the Dubstep in every trailer is kind of getting unoriginal. Epic trailer here though, I never played the first Borderlands, maybe I'll check this one out when it's on sale on Steam, if it's on Steam.
You obviously didn't play this game. The mobs were nowhere near as repeatative as other games. There were tons of boss mobs that spiced things up. And the DLCs were the best I have ever seen.
I rank Borderlands as one, if not THE top FPS shooter for the past ten years.

I can't wait for the next installment. I have been watching for it ever since I finished the first one 10 times.