Solved Cloudscout/DNSUnlocker

Changed the settings in Adblocker (selected 2nd list as well as first) and it seems to be blocking some of the DNSUnlocker adverts (Currently blocking 13 adverts on this site for example) but I have seen the linked words get through on one page I visited (sorry didn't take screenshot)

Even though these adverts are getting blocked, I'm still infected aren't I?

Really want a cure, not a bandaid.
None of our tools show anything malicious so no, you're not infected.
Next time it happens make sure to get a screenshot.
Even if they are blocked, they are still coming from somewhere aren't they? I would think if it was the websites I was visiting that were infected I would have heard other people complaining about it...
Try to use Firefox or IE for couple of days and let me know if same issue happens.