Error code: 0x805000f

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I got a spontaneous reboot a couple of hours ago.
The error code was 0x805000f but nothing of the possible options helps.
I attached the dump file, maybe someone can help me with that (or help me with getting the useful info out of it :blush: )

Thanks in advance!

Hello and welcome to Techspot.

We need to see 5 or 6 minidumps to be able to make any kind of diagnosis.

If this is the first BSOD you have had, it might just be a one off(glitch).

Your minidump crashes at win32k.sys. This is the Windows Multi-User Win32 Driver. It has a bugcheck of 8E.


A kernel mode program generated an exception which the error handler didn’t catch. These are nearly always hardware compatibility issues (which sometimes means a driver issue or a need for a BIOS upgrade).

Go HERE and follow the instructions.

Regards Howard :wave: :wave:
An upgrade of the drivers for the system could help yes.
It is the first and only crash for the moment so maybe it was just a glitch of the system.
On the moment of the crash 30 somewhat users were working on the server (cpu around 30%, ram around 500meg and 20,000 - 40,000 interrupts/sec) which is normal for that server.

I'll just wait a few days and if no more crasher occur, the better. (Because the system will be reïnstalled in a few months with new software and drivers, no action will be taken for the moment)
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