Facebook accuses Apple of using privacy as an excuse to abuse its dominant position

I would agree for the most part, in the same way that electrocution is infinitely better than drowning.

The result is the same.
It's not even close. The number of times Facebook has changed defaults for security policy to put user data in public domain then gone "whoopsie we didn't mean that" Narrator: they did....

They are absolutely deliberately criminal. From the foundation of their business - remember Zuck started a site like hot or not because he was turned down, they developed a social media platform based on addicting users for ad revenue. Deliberate psychological science driven addiction. They then deliberately destroyed competition, violated user privacy to expose user data for ad profit. On MANY occasions at hundreds of millions of users scale. It's completely incomparable.

I say that as a lifetime Microsoft user. I've never owned a Mac. I use an iPhone but honestly I hate most things about the ecosystem being a power user. From a security perspective, at least they haven't stuffed up as much as Android in most ways but there's so much I think I should be able to do with this device that they just don't let me do.
[Facebook] are absolutely deliberately criminal. From the foundation of their business - remember Zuck started a site like hot or not because he was turned down, they developed a social media platform based on addicting users for ad revenue.
I hold an ineffable level of contempt for Facebook, but I still must ask: exactly what law do you believe this violates? Or are you merely using the word "criminal" as a synonym for behavior with which you disagree?
No one wakes up one morning to find their Android magically transformed into an iPhone. Using Apple products is a choice. If you don't like their rules, don't use their products. Simple.

Thanks, I don't.

Any further words of wisdom, Captain Obvious?