iPhone owners seek class action over throttling of performance

"Anyone that owns an older iPhone may be rightly upset to learn that their device cannot perform as well as it did the day it came out of the box due to degradation of the battery"

Anyone who expects a lithium-ion battery to NOT deteriorate needs special help.

I think slowing down a bit for an elderly battery to continue to work is an elegant solution - and, possibly, it was considered a special proprietary feature - not to be brought to notice like secret sauce or the Coca Cola formula - or broadcast, like the decision to let Bob in the mailroom begin his day at 8 instead of 6:30 as he nears retirement.

If the litigants had noticed declining utility, why didn't they spend the $80 to get the battery replaced?

Nahh, everybody else let the consumers see their battery don't last as long or coming to death within seconds after the meter reach 20%... A very clear sign that the battery has near kaput...

Let consumers decide for themselves by being honest. As it is. Not by fooling them that everythings is BIG AOKAY, only "slightly" slower and dumber than before. Which is a deceptive move, hiding problems while not eliminating them entirely. Only to misled the customers to drooled over the newest release device.

Blatant lies right in your face. Shameful.
With computers controlling electronic ignition, we do at least get trouble codes to help us figure out why. I see no reason why we couldn't get a trouble code (aka: critical notification) on a phone, to help us figure out why it is being throttled.
With computers controlling electronic ignition, we do at least get trouble codes to help us figure out why. I see no reason why we couldn't get a trouble code (aka: critical notification) on a phone, to help us figure out why it is being throttled.
Well, a cautionary note, checking the car's codes while driving is about 100 times a dangerous as texting while driving. I mean with your head stuck under the dashboard, out on the freeway going 65 (or so) MPH...:eek:.
Well, a cautionary note, checking the car's codes while driving is about 100 times a dangerous as texting while driving. I mean with your head stuck under the dashboard, out on the freeway going 65 (or so) MPH...:eek:.
Reading this one would assume you know nothing about trouble codes, I know differently. :)
Im here for amusing articles like Steve's review. Anyway your cranky as always captain. We need your guidance and please feed your cat:p
Well now Mr.Kenrick, I believe you're suffering from what I, (somewhat playfully), call "Nation Enquirer Syndrome". In its purest form, this affliction manifests itself in supermarket checkout lines, whereupon, you see the "newspaper", and you can't turn your eyes away, even though you're absolutely certain that even the page numbers are likely falsified.

I mean really, the "Enquirer" has been around for decades, and today's so called "informed citizens(*)" just coined the term, "fake news", pretty much what seems like, the day before yesterday..

And so it goes with Techspot articles as well, you see the "click-bait titles" and you salivate, just like Pavlov's dog.

(*) "Informed citizens" is my fashionable, contemporary, politically correct euphemism for, "millennial snowflakes"

BTW, I never neglect my pets needs for food, water, or veterinary care. However, my youngest is a 4 year old Maine Coon with an eating disorder, (chronic gluttony). Sadly, (at least from my point of view), since I'm pushing 70, I may or may not be around be around to tend to his needs for his full lifetime. So, if you'll furnish me with our personal information, I'll bequeath him to you in my will, and you can "take over the payments on him", so to speak, after I'm gone... (y)

Oh, before I forget, "Merry Christmas and bah humbug" to you.:p
Reading this one would assume you know nothing about trouble codes, I know differently. :)
Cliff, I take it you're the only person I know whose car has an under dash periscope.

All this talk about "throttling performance",has me wondering what will Tesla do, when the batteries in their $100,000.00+ electric marvel's batteries, start going down the crapper.....:eek:
You must be thinking of James Bond's car.
Gee, and I thought it appeared in the corner of his GPS.
I think we're all aware I'm decades behind the times. That said, my '97 Suzuki "Sidekick"
doesn't even have GPS, let alone trouble codes in the corner of one's readout.

You shove your head under the dashboard, and root around until you find the matching socket, then plug one of these biddies into it:


Due to my advancing years, I always forget where the socket went since the last time I looked for it.:confused:
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I've been saying it for years that Apple intentionally slows down the older iphones every time when a new IOS comes out.

But deluded Apple sheeps gets offended and tells me " stfu you, you have no prove. Apple doesn't slow down any devices" and such.