Learning a Programming Language.. Where to start?

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I'm looking to dive into the art of programming but have absolutely no idea where to start. I have been told that C++ is an option but perhaps its a little too advanced for a begginner? My main purpose for learning a programming language is to caclulate scientiffic formulas etc. and maybe even graphing them at some point: whether that be an output file for Excel or an actual drawn image. Can anyone recommend a language, books, and/or where I can get a hold of some cheap software to get me started?

Thanks for your input!
For such a specific task, you may be better off using Excel for your formulas or go for something hardcore like MathCAD instead of some generic programming language.
Java is completely free.

We used the Blue Jay compiler at Uni, there's heaps of support forums, or grab a few books from the library.
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