Learning UNIX/SQL

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Posts: 1,006   +1
Can anyone tell me if they know of any guides on the net for learning UNIX and SQL that are...say free? Or an easy way of learning short of going out and buying books. I know very little about SQL, mainly have just done queries and stuff. I need to learn the "basics" ASAP for a project at work.

Thanks alot.....
SQL:: Structured Query Language, but never a Standard Query Language as
some believe.

There are three psuedo-official 'grammars' of SQL,
  • pre ANSII
  • ANSII-1
  • ANSII-2

In addition, various specific vendors have extensions and variations on the
language (big suprise huh).

Even thought, ANY SQL tutorial will give you the basic concepts and the
ideas for the Data Manipulation Language(DML). The variations will be primarily
in the use/misuse of ( ) for object names.

Be aware, the SQL grammar is a means to get/insert RELATIONAL DATA
into a set of Relational Tables. The concepts of Relations is another subject
altogether. Authors to read include Ted Codd, and C.J. Date

The primaries of Relational Data are the 'rules of normalization' of data.
I did a Uni project with SQL, using Linux with mySQL, i found the mySQL manual pretty helpful. I dont know how much help it will be to you, but here is the link anyway


Its pretty in depth, as it covers may installs for various OS' the SQL part starts at section 3.

General SQL tutorial is here


as for learning unix, there are a fair number of tutorials on the web try


that gives a decent intro to the basics, though i found the best way to learn it was by dual booting my system with a Linux install. Mandriva or Ubuntu being a good place to start. Of course if you need it pretty quick then the tutorial is the way to go.

Hope this helps

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