LG shows off double-sided TV and wallpaper OLED panel at IFA electronics show


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LG has unveiled a 111-inch, double-sided 4K TV that allows two viewers to watch different sides of the television simultaneously at this year’s IFA trade show in Berlin.

The display, which is made from three 65-inch 4K UHD OLED displays, was shown off alongside a 55-inch version which is only 5.3mm thick. Right now both the TVs are prototypes that were designed more to show what LG can do when it comes to OLEDs.

It’s hard to imagine just how popular these TVs would be in the consumer market; they would obviously require a pretty big room and some headphones when both sides of the display are being used. It’s likely that LG is trying to appeal more to the commercial market with these televisions.

Also on show from LG at IFA was its wallpaper OLED panel that offers a 55-inch display with a thickness of less than 1 millimetre. One of the best features of this device is that it can easily be attached and removed from walls thanks to its magnetic backing, which is where the ‘wallpaper’ name comes from.

Dr. Ching W. Tang, who is known as the ‘father of OLED’, explained the merits of OLED displays at LG’s presentation and spoke about where he sees the future of the technology.

Without backlight and other auxiliary layers, the OLED display is fundamentally less complicated compared to LCD, and in time less costly to manufacture. I have no doubt, given its advanced features and superior performance – foldable, wearable, flexible and transparent, OLED is the display technology for the next generation.

Dr. Tang spoke of felxible futuristic OLED panels which could take any shape or size. These screens can be transparent and even the largest could be folded up and carried around in a person’s pocket. He also highlighted the possibility of windows, desks and walls being made out of OLED displays.

See LG's opening keynote speech highlights in the video below.

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Sweet... really looking forward to this. Maybe it will be mainstream in the next 15 years or so.