Looking for: sleep1.exe

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Posts: 36   +0
can't find even by googling.

Trying to do this:

Here's how...
Download a program called "sleep1.exe" from download.com or wherever.
Save it in \windows\system32 .
Create a batch file in \windows\system32 called "ping3.bat" with the following


@echo off
: pingsite
sleep1 3
ping -n 1 www.whatever_site_you_want.com > nul
goto pingsite

Create a shortcut to this batch file on your desktop, with properties:

Shortcut / Run minimized.
You don't need sleep exe for that batch file to work. The same effect can be achieved by:

@echo off
: pingsite
ping -w 3000 -n1
ping -n 1 www.whatever_site_you_want.com > nul
goto pingsite

you can replace with any nonexistent but legal IP address.

BTW what is the purpose of this script? Some sort of a keepalive?
Yes, it's my keepalive.

It is for a cellphone connection that goes into a reduced state of responsiveness after 7 seconds of inactivity.

But your batch file is just as good as mine, if not better. There should be a space between "n" and "1". Your timeout line will work without a second ping.

@echo off
: pingsite
ping -w 5000 -n 1
goto pingsite

sleep1.exe is not the same file as sleep.exe or sleep88.exe. Strange that it doesn't even appear on webcrawler.
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