Man fined $7,000 for sharing 'WordPress for Dummies' via BitTorrent

I'm an author and my books are always being stolen like this, so I cheered aloud when I read that they'd caught one of the thieves. May they catch a great many more!

Why do people who don't steal other things think music and books are fair game? Don't they realise some people make their living by producing them.

Anna Jacobs, still smiling at the news

Anna, if your books are out in the torrents, have you ever wondered how many people tried one from the torrents and then, discovering they like your work, went out and bought more from your publisher?

That's called exposure, and for an unknown writer/artist, it's pure gold. Nathan Lowell, a writer who now no longer needs a day job, started by putting his work out as free audiobooks on He says that, without the exposure the Internet offered, his odd but engaging space opera series about solar clipper ships would have remained unknown and he'd still be drudging 9 to 5.

You might want to rethink your schadenfreude over this disproportionately high fine.
It's all very well saying that people obtaining copies of books by "pirating" them is free exposure, and then they'll go on to buy others by same author...but they won't if they think it's ok to keep on getting them for free.
Actually yes my job does require that I keep up on all tech and cellphone related information, and does give me unlimited access to these sites. Good try tho.