Network Virus Removal Tool Help

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I am trying to help a Network Admin with cleaning virus (s) off a Windows 2003 Server.

We know that one of the 65 computers is pushing out email spam, (Our business has been blacklisted) We have Trend Micro, but it's not really helping with locating which machine is infected.

I wanted to ask if anyone knew of any tool (free or otherwise) that we could use on the network to help pin-point which machine is sending out the junk.

Sorry if I'm missing any technical info, I will try to do what I can.

Thanks for any help.. We're starting to pull hair out..

Don't know if this helps but I had the a problem with people relaying spam through our mail server. This is only for Exchange server.
That page has a very good description of how to stop relaying from unauthorised machines.

One other problem I found was the infected machine was relaying spam for a third party. This meant that it was an "authorised" machine sending the emails. For this I used netstat to find connections to smtp servers and then black holed (entered a hosts entry that sent data to a ficticious address) the addresses.

Hope this helped
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