NSA classifies Linux Journal readers, Tor and Tails Linux users as "extremists"

Are you as naive as you believe the people you're calling out to be, or just ignorant? The NSA, along with other organizations like the DHS, have adopted evolving definitions of the term "terrorism." Left to develop according to the historical pattern of every major Western empire in history, the definition of a terrorist and the perception of those in power of what constitutes a "terroristic plot" will expand indefinitely until people are locked up for the most absurd of alleged crimes.

If you can't see the danger of a demonstrably corrupt government using a demonstrably arbitrary term to justify its actions, you've been had harder than a 7/11 Counter Administrator driving a $500 Ferrari at Le Mans in the Caribbean on a ranch in Utah.

What's more annoying is when they continue to expand their intrusion and people use the same damn argument that was used to justify the previous intrusions to justify the continuing overreach while simultaneously expressing their displeasure at those who previously used the argument to justify the preceding overreach. As far as irony goes, it seems with your post that we've graduated from vaporizing insects to slightly scorching the hair on the genitals of gorillas. If you NSA apologists keep trying to support your position with arguments as poorly constructed as this, I fear PETA would be wholly justified in launching a massive DDoS attack on Techspot to prevent further cruelty to animals.
You say I am paranoid of terrorists, I say your paranoid of the government. I actually fear neither since I am not afraid of the government and I know the governments over reach is protecting me. Furthermore I live in a small town.

You know they have video cameras at your local grocery store right? They are watching you and its ok.
I realized something recently..... the NSA wants to be known. See America is turning into a totalitarian police state slowly day by day, and to maintain that power requires them to reveal that they're watching everyone.

...... they've created the "ALL SEEING EYE" that glares fear into every home. It's as if this is all scripted, as if it's been carefully designed by a group of think tanks.
Are you as naive as you believe the people you're calling out to be, or just ignorant? The NSA, along with other organizations like the DHS, have adopted evolving definitions of the term "terrorism." Left to develop according to the historical pattern of every major Western empire in history, the definition of a terrorist and the perception of those in power of what constitutes a "terroristic plot" will expand indefinitely until people are locked up for the most absurd of alleged crimes.

If you can't see the danger of a demonstrably corrupt government using a demonstrably arbitrary term to justify its actions, you've been had harder than a 7/11 Counter Administrator driving a $500 Ferrari at Le Mans in the Caribbean on a ranch in Utah.

What's more annoying is when they continue to expand their intrusion and people use the same damn argument that was used to justify the previous intrusions to justify the continuing overreach while simultaneously expressing their displeasure at those who previously used the argument to justify the preceding overreach. As far as irony goes, it seems with your post that we've graduated from vaporizing insects to slightly scorching the hair on the genitals of gorillas. If you NSA apologists keep trying to support your position with arguments as poorly constructed as this, I fear PETA would be wholly justified in launching a massive DDoS attack on Techspot to prevent further cruelty to animals.
You say I am paranoid of terrorists, I say your paranoid of the government. I actually fear neither since I am not afraid of the government and I know the governments over reach is protecting me. Furthermore I live in a small town.

You know they have video cameras at your local grocery store right? They are watching you and its ok.
What's the camera worth if you got stabbed in the face by someone, he may get caught but you're already dead.
What's the camera worth if you got stabbed in the face by someone, he may get caught but you're already dead.
the slow wheel of justice will reach the criminal. :)

Better then letting another 911 happen.
Do you mean government bombing their own citizen?
another :) : Israeli agents bombed world trade center in 911 so that arab terrorists will be blamed.
there are no shortages of alternative suspects in that bombing.
and Michael Moore's films did not help either.
I have nothing to hide I don't care one bit how much they search my data. Unless your a treasonous swine or your hacking, you have nothing to worry about.
Or you are exposing illegal or immoral activity by the NSA... let's not forget, just because it is *law* does not make it *right*.

Here are some such examples...

Laws supporting NSA wiretapping of innocent civilians would be able to fill pages of those sorts of websites...
In other words: Trust us! We the foxes solemnly swear and declare that WE are the best at guarding the hen house. If we do not get even more authority to carry out this important public duty, even more hens may start to disappear from time to time.
You say I am paranoid of terrorists, I say your paranoid of the government. I actually fear neither since I am not afraid of the government and I know the governments over reach is protecting me. Furthermore I live in a small town.

Paranoia is an irrational fear not supported by any substantial body of evidence. I'm not calling you paranoid. I'm calling you woefully naive and historically ignorant.

You know they have video cameras at your local grocery store right? They are watching you and its ok.

Security cameras aren't even in the same category as mass surveillance. Furthermore, if I choose not to patronize businesses that have security cameras, I don't suddenly become a person of interest. As the preceding article clearly demonstrates, this is not at all the case if I choose not to entertain the company of an NSA security algorithm.

And this brings me back to the point you and your ilk seem to have a difficult time grasping: all the things you do that aren't suspect are perfectly okay...until they aren't.
The NSA snoops, terrorists do a bit more then snoop.
Except there are no "terrorists". USA invented them.

I have nothing to hide I don't care one bit how much they search my data. Unless your a treasonous swine or your hacking, you have nothing to worry about.
But if I am not a "treasonous swine" or don't "hack", why would anyone need to spy on me in the first place?

We have the most powerful, well funded military in the history of the world.
That's quite a bold statement.

Better then letting another 911 happen.
Do you mean government bombing their own citizen?

I realized something recently..... the NSA wants to be known. See America is turning into a totalitarian police state slowly day by day, and to maintain that power requires them to reveal that they're watching everyone.
...... they've created the "ALL SEEING EYE" that glares fear into every home. It's as if this is all scripted, as if it's been carefully designed by a group of think tanks.
Good catch. Think of it: what if Snowden actually has been working for the NSA all this time?
Guys, please. It's not about terrorism at all but just pure will for spying people. That imaginary so called 'war on terror' was rolled not because of trying to keep your country in safe of guys in towels on heads but rather making citizens life annoying, preparing them for mass control in many aspects of their lives.
What's the point of arguing with NSA shills in the comments? They're more likely than not intelligence analysts attempting PSYOPS a la JTRIG.
No its not. I'd rather die in a terrorist attack than live like a caged animal with no freedom.
How are you living like a caged animal? The NSA has not arrested a single person that was not planning some kind of "terrorist" attack. I can't believe how naive people can be, you had to have snowden tell you the government was spying on you? really you couldn't figure that out on your own.

You know what is really annoying when they passed the patriot act and other intrusive bills no one cared. No one ever cares until it affects them personally.

It's not hard to figure out why some linux users are on a special list, if anything you should be flattered. They regard your capabilities in a higher category.

That's some really daft logic... before setting up the camps, the Nazi kept tabs on jews... without doing anything. How did that pan out? Oh, but you don't bother with silly things like history... your imagination is good enough for you. You're probably still looking for those WMDs.
All the people that are defending the NSA should really read some history. If you do, you'll find out that there isn't one single example of a state that gives power to its security apparatus at the expense of people's right that doesn't end up in abuse and bad for the people sooner or later. Not a single one. But hey, history is silly... you just go based on what Clapper tells you.
I dunno Guys... I mean, it is the NSA. They have an extremely important job to do. I'd rather they play unfair and find terrorists and criminals than respect everyone's "right to privacy". They don't publicly share or arrest people for most of the petty criminal things they found "illegally." Who else is going to protect us from Terrorists trying to blow **** up, spread disease or other. People trying to encrypt stuff online is kind of a joke anways rite? We have some people on the opposite end of the spectrum sharing their entire lives on facebook without a care in the world.. What is it that alot of these people are so desperate to hide with their encryption anyways? So many 'hackers' and sickos are just up to no good, using these tools for nefarious purposes. I know most of the world would rather stick their heads in the sand and let their neighbors continue to do whatever so long as it doesn't affect them.
All this Snowden controversy is such bullsqueeze anyways... all these shady mis-informed e-freaks trying to Martyr some douchenoggler that leaked information that puts our entire country at risk and makes us look bad, BOOO. Im sure we've all read enough books to fear a totalitarian state which watches our every move but we are a far cry from that right now. Screw the illusion of privacy, if everything and everyone was more transparent we could cut down on alot of crime and focus on more pressing threats.
So yeah, just had to play devils advocate, even though im a pretty private person myself, sry if that offends any of these "extremists", maybe some of those creepers/crazos should spend less time moulding tin foil hats and cleaning guns and hating on people who actually work to make us safe.

The problem with your reasoning is that it is based on what you imagine. If had bothered to take a trip to your local library's history isle you'd have seen that there isn't one single example of a state that gives power to its security apparatus at the expense of people's right that doesn't end up in abuse and bad for the people sooner or later. Not a single one.

So here you are, with your opinions, that are based on your nightly dreams and counter to what any history book will tell you... if had bothered to read them.

Ever hear the sayings "history repeats itself" or "those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it"?

But hey, why use your head and research things when you can just listen to Clapper and he'll tell you how and what to think. Or that other great thinker that said "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" - Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propaganda minister.

Besides, history is for silly people anyway...
I have nothing to hide I don't care one bit how much they search my data. Unless your a treasonous swine or your hacking, you have nothing to worry about.

Every major first world country out there spies on everyone that they can, we just had a snitch. He has not even gave out everything he knows, hes milking the publicity. Slowly releasing info every 6 months or so.

"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" - Joseph Goebbels - Nazi propaganda minister
The fact that you're in such company should tell you something... but nahh, history is for silly people... So what if you're following the line of reasoning that brought about the greatest atrocities in history.
That's some really daft logic... before setting up the camps, the Nazi kept tabs on jews... without doing anything. How did that pan out? Oh, but you don't bother with silly things like history... your imagination is good enough for you. You're probably still looking for those WMDs.
Its funny that you assume I am some kind of republican hard liner, comparing this to the Nazi genocide is stupid to say the least.

I don't get why your all so afraid, you think all of a sudden they are going to arrest you for using some Linux platforms, if you believe that is what is most likely going to happen in the near future, you are delusional. And no I will not converse with you about your conspiracy theories any further.
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So we will continue snooping in an effort to catch someone striking
back at us for our snooping. Makes since! *roleseyes*
The NSA snoops, terrorists do a bit more then snoop.

You're comparing our government to terrorists and you're pleased that our gov is not as bad as they are?
Talk about setting the bar real low...
So following your logic, police should abuse people and beat them senselessly without reason, because there are criminals out there that kill people without reason. Therefore criminals do "a bit more" than just beat people senselessly without reason.

Oh what a genius you are - problem solved.
That will be quite enough ad hominem remarks. Please make your arguments without personal comments. Thank you.
all these shady mis-informed e-freaks trying to Martyr some douchenoggler that leaked information that puts our entire country at risk and makes us look bad, BOOO. Im sure we've all read enough books to fear a totalitarian state which watches our every move but we are a far cry from that right now. Screw the illusion of privacy, if everything and everyone was more transparent we could cut down on alot of crime and focus on more pressing threats.
So yeah, just had to play devils advocate, even though im a pretty private person myself, sry if that offends any of these "extremists", maybe some of those creepers/crazos should spend less time moulding tin foil hats and cleaning guns and hating on people who actually work to make us safe.
the government, the people that work to make us safe, you do realize if you don't give this mafia you call a government your honestly earned goods then they will imprison you or murder you and the only thing they are defending is the right to tax you just like livestock and infact borrow money based on your future value , maybe it's a little wise to be weary of the government because THEY BOUGHT 2BILLION ROUNDS OF AMMO LAST YEAR, and they are spying on us treating those that like to be self sufficient, have privacy, defend themselves against the #1 killer in history(Government, democide university of Hawaii look it up) like terrorists and even makes training targets of children in defense positions for training purpouses just because you will follow them nomatter how badly they treat you doesn't mean you are on the winning team, we are not even in the top 10 freest countries in the world(in economic freedoms) if anything makes this gang symbol you call a flag look bad then it would people like you saying no matter what they do is good (like agent orange in vietnam giving our troops and thousands of civilians cancer because it was cheaper and more convenient and the INUMERABLE civilian deaths from our past 20 years in the middle east and was the bloodiest war in history and our taxes only pay the interest to the debt produced as a result of) Yeah were the good guys, you see these bodies we produce are burying us "any nation that would choose security over liberty deserve neither" -Ben Franklin. It's not like fact or empirical evidence matter to you though, but what makes you feel the safest.
Here are three rules the government and their 'trolls' generally follow. The rules can be separate or combined:

- Present lies as facts while ignoring real facts and hopefully people don’t have enough time to do their own research.

-Attack or discredit the messenger or their supporters and ignore or downplay the unconstitutional corrupt government activities. Make the government look like the victim if possible

- Promote the message of fear and that the government corruption is for the people’s own protection. If people object to this call them paranoid or resort to name calling and call freedom outdated.

What can we do about the corrupt government and the ‘trolls’?

Here is one possible solution right now that anyone can do to counter the corrupt governments. Corrupt governments tend to have a war over the hearts and minds of their populace.

Corrupt governments tend to hope for a demoralized immoral populace constantly arguing with each other so they stay weak and divided. Divide and conquer is another of their tactics. (Remember COINTELPRO)

To counter the actions of the corrupt governments try promoting values of freedom, morals, and friendliness. Try to give thumbs up to others comments supporting freedom and maybe support by donating some money (of what you can afford ) to organizations like EPIC or John Corbett who have lawsuits against the corrupt government.

A populace with high morale with strong values of freedom, morals, and friendliness by supporting each other in comments and in our own personal lives and families makes it very hard for corrupt governments to win over the populace with their lies and it makes it harder for them to create their ‘sheeple‘. (their ‘fearful slaves’ who lost the ability to critically think)
It's time these people were taken out of their hiding places and made answerable and identifiable to the public who pays to put them in their secretive positions in the first place. They have no respect for humanity and are brainwashed by the state to treat humanity as cattle and collateral. They have made a decision in their lives to disconnect themselves from humanity which is every bit as damning as calculated murder but because these people work for the government and work in the name of national security, that's alright then! What a sick world we live in! Time to heal humanity and rid ourselves of the cancerous tumors we call politicians and their operatives. By exposing these shadow people, we will then see how tough they are and how willing they are to continue their sick little games! The time is coming and they know it.
These *******s, now they are calling everyone that wants encryption and privacy a ****ing terrorist or extremist? The NSA and these backroom dickheads are the extremists, scanning the entire freaking internet.

And yet we think somehow its going to save us from all the bad guys. GG.