Record labels, not streaming music companies, are the ones screwing over musicians

Oh wow... now I see part of captaincranky's post outside the quote window... I assure you I did NOT do ANY moving of existing quote text, whatsoever. Period. LOL

I'm outta here. = )
Back to topic... you do know the record labels do all the actual work that song writters, musicians don't have to deal with, right?

They pay for the marketting, the publicity, the news/tv/internet/radio adds, they arrange everything for them in order to stay in the good side of their fans, yata yata yata, they also pay for most of the needs that musicians/artists have (Which btw, is not cheap at all, they are some mood swinging pricks who like anything shiny and expensive), and yata yata yata... forever and ever... again and again...
This is not true. The artist pays for all those things. The label just put the money down upfront. If any money is made they recoup their investment, then of whatever is left they take the lions share. I have heard of contracts as bad as 95/5. Thats 95% to the label 5% to the artist. I am on a good label and we share everything 50/50 after expenses are recouped. Exactly as it should be. Yes, they are taking a risk but that is part of what justify them in the first place, what sets them apart from a parasite and without artists there is no music to release. So a 50/50 split after expenses are recouped is fair since both need each other.