Solid-state battery breakthrough could greatly extend longevity

Don't worry, it will be ready for use just at the same moment when we get nuclear fusion, replacement organs grown in a bottle, and teeth that never stop growing. Which means never. Not because it's impossible. But because the ruling bastards simply won't allow us to have that tech.
Don't worry, it will be ready for use just at the same moment when we get nuclear fusion, replacement organs grown in a bottle, and teeth that never stop growing. Which means never. Not because it's impossible. But because the ruling bastards simply won't allow us to have that tech.
Read again. And very carefully.
Read again. And very carefully.

Ok, I went to read the original article. To see what are those electrodes made of. And it looks like they are still mostly made of lithium. Plus titanium and vanadium. So, yeah, maybe they will get support from the industry. Because those materials still sound very expensive.

If the electrodes were made of something cheaper / more abundant, the "eco" owners of lithium mains would destroy it immediately. Just like they are fighting (and winning) against hydrogen replacing batteries.
I love how the EV haters are hoping so badly that every new green technology fails. They are begging for it to fail. They want it to fail. Can't wait to see them disappointed.
not hoping for it to fail...its a failure from the start, if you didnt know the First Electric cars where made in 1892.
There is no possible way electric cars will ever save any part of the planet, for one very simple reason if you understand the conversion rate of power to electricity to energy conversion and then compare it to Fossil Fuel.
Fossil Fuel produces around 200x the power per energy conversion, even if the Electic vehicals got to 1000km per charge they will still be behind Fossil fuel cars by 180%, which means to power needed to charge Electric cars cause more damage than good.... but only a complete blind person would think without doing research that electric cars are any good yet....
2095 will be the year of break through for Electric cars when they run off solar panels on the cars roof...and that being said only in Countries with Sun light that shines 9plus hours a day to charge them...
Electric cars are a joke