SpaceX launches the first of its 12,000 planned Internet satellites

We had a B&W TV. We put a piece of plastic on it that was blue on top and green on the bottom, and told the neighbors we had colored TV. We were up town. This thread made my day. Thanks @cliffordcooley Lots of old memorites
He's old enough I'd say..

at least it will be on topic. :p , I like the informative posts. saves me going and looking it up.
we could probably come up with some solutions ,finding someone to acknowledge them might be a bit tricky.
The u.s has sovereignty on the moon ,don't ya? should get a shack with a couple security up there .just to keep an eye on that little flag.
I don't know of one single person that has ever posted off topic here on TS. We have not been to the moon. There's no flag on the moon. That's fake news. Don't believe any thing that CNN says. These things are all posted by actors. Don't believe any thing you see unless Fox news confers it. ROFL @Boilerhog146. Are we having fun?
Fun? I guess so ,I think the real fun will start when humans realize what going on,and decide to do something about it,this nonsense ,could very well start the next WW, if it was intended to better our species. I would probably be more supportive of such a project,but its about the 40,000,000 subscribers ,and the 30 billion in revenues, dirty G.D. capitalists,destroying the planet,for a few dollars more...
Just let me know when the fight starts,I'd rather jump in ,than get hurt or killed as an innocent bystander.then we'll be having fun..

What are you talkin about?I been to the moon a couple of times ,Never tried LSD? we have Magic mushrooms grow native here ,hehe. :p
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Even ignoring the "GPS doesn't move in relation to the user" comment, that isn't how it works at all. Each GPS satellite sends out an extremely accurate timing signal with an identifier. Your receiver then figures out its position relative to these satellites BASED on how much the deviate from one another thanks to both their position and their motion.

GPS connectivity issues come about from not having a clear view of 3-or-more-satellites, civilian uses getting de-prioritized behind a high volume of military requests, or interference from materials that resonate at similar frequencies to the GPS signal. Connectivity issues don't come about from your receiver trying to calculate which ones are coming up over the horizon next - that is literally the opposite of how GPS works.

to put it in simple terms ,Triangulation ,we have used the concept for years ,Before any GPS.was conceived,on the Bay ,looking for a shoal where fish congregate to feed ,we use 3 or 4 reference points on land to put ourselves right on a spot.

on the open ocean, a sextant, a compass, sundial and hourglass,and the stars ,, an experienced navigator can find his position anywhere.relevant to maps and charts..
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No mention of the proposed speed? It's going to be slow! Hope it's worth all the extra junk in space, we already have too much.
Why would bandwidth even matter? All that really matters is that Elon Musk is a genius for, Inventing rocket boosters inventing satellites, pioneering low earth orbits (everybody knows that, "Sputnik was fake news), inventing the internet, (although Al Gore tried to claim credit for that), and going for the long con

After all,you people really don't think Musk or Space-X is going to do this out of the goodness of their hearts do you? :D

Oh wait, many do!

With so much yappng about how much revenue this project will generate, why is nothing being mentioned about how much it will cost? Or who it is that will pay those costs?

The interesting thing here is, almost to a member, Ajit Pai is despised! But now that you have Musk blowing a bunch of his megalomania up Pai's butt, and Pai seems to have morphed into a hero.:confused:

Can't wait to see how this is spun negatively. It's interesting every time.

@Kotters There's my preliminary take on it, whaddya think?

It does bear asking the question, are these things going up one at a time, (12,000 launches), or would a saner approach prevail, something like an MX missile, which (IIRC), has 10 warheads?

Apparently, on this first launch, two of Space-X "Starlink" satellites pretty much hitchhiked on the same booster as a Spanish, "observation satellite", which presumably was a paid venture.

(I suppose I should add the disclaimer, "although only god know if that site knows what it's talking about").
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No, most GPS data, is collected from satellites which are in Geo synchronous orbits, which don't change position relative to the earth, and by extension, don't change change position in relation the the user.
ROFL, ever seen a map of GPS satellites? I guess not or you'd realise they aren't in the Clarke Belt.
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