The "Login Hover" closes when you move from the icon and your name to the pop up menu

Happening to me right now on another machine:
Chrome Version 42.0.2311.135 m on Windows 8.1 64-bit Enterprise
Please to those helping in this thread I want a confirmation which of the two is happening to you:

1) The "Login Hover" closes when you move from the icon and your name to the pop up menu

2) Alerts don't show up immediately when using the drop down, showing instead "No alerts pending." but once the page is finished loading, including ads, the alerts show up.

3) Do you use any extension that modifies page's content? (Adblock, others)
I've seen the no alerts thing before, it doesn't happen frequently enough that I thought about complaining.

#1 is what is happening. It is working for me now on Safari 8.0.6

On Safari and Chrome at home I use adblock but whitelist TS. At work, I think I adblock without the whitelist.
Occurring again for me today. Once I move the mouse pointer from the name+logo orange highlighted hotspot, it's about 3 pixels into the white area above my name in the pop up window before it disappears again.

This also happens with the social media popup and the search popup beside it. Shared behaviour would suggest it's either JS library animation or simply CSS class being used for all 3.

I'm seeing the following error when loading in the console:

"Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.

search.js?k=tech news&ks=pub&pk=tech news&mk=&s=1&t1=1431330049889&t2=1431330050090&t3=143133005009…:3 "

Although strangely after several reloads the popup issue isn't happening.
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The first time I landed on the forums page today I got a security error message. Came in here to see what was up, and no longer getting that message.
Because we've been unable to replicate the issue, we are guessing based on your hints and have narrowed it down to 2-3 possible causes.

The easiest fix was just applied so if it's fixed for you now, bingo :cool:.
If not, please let me know so we can try the other more complicated solutions.
Still happening to me - but really not that big a deal since there's a workaround of holding the mouse button to make it down to the notifications.