The new Tomb Raider trailer has arrived


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No matter how many times they are critically panned, Hollywood continues to make movies based on video games. Two of the slightly better-rated titles (according to Metacritic) from the genre are the Tomb Raider movies from 2001 and 2003 — they grossed over $274 million and $156 million, respectively. Warner Bros will be hoping to go one better with its new take on the franchise, which has just had its first full trailer released today.

The latest Tomb Raider sees actress Alicia Vikander take over Angelina Jolie’s old role as Lara Croft. Anyone who’s played the 2013 and 2015 Crystal Dynamics titles will be familiar with the look of the movie, which bears an especially close resemblance to the first reboot and even features moments from that game.

The new Tomb Raider also stars The Wire’s Dominic West; the always excellent Walton Goggins, who was in classic TV shows The Shield and Sons of Anarchy; Daniel Woo, from Warcraft and Into the Badlands; and Nick frost, who starred in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

Director Roar Uthaug was behind the camera for 2015 disaster movie The Wave, and Vikander revealed to Entertainment Weekly that Tomb Raider would also feature some water-based scenes and stunts.

"Just like in The Wave, we have a lot of water sequences," she said. "I spent my last two days of shooting in a tank and that was my 16th total day being fully drenched or submerged in the water. For one action scene, we used the London venue for Olympic rafting. They threw me down that river--with my hands tied--about 50 times. I didn't need to act, just react!"

It’ll be interesting to see how the next video game movie will be received. There were high hopes for both Warcraft and Assassin’s Creed but both failed to impress critics. They did, however, gross a combined total of over $674 million at the worldwide box office, which is probably why these kind of movies continue to be made.

The new Tomb Raider is set for release on March 16, 2018.

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People still care about Tomb Raider? Meh.
The only video game remake I care about is the new Rated-R Mortal Kombat reboot.
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Not being a movie watcher at all and having no opinion or interest in this kind of thing, after reading the article and seeing the profits accumulated by these 'flops', it's hardly surprising Hollywood perseveres. The figures seem to contradict the critics opinions.
Not interested.

Reason 1: Nothing new with the story. Boring one-liners. Over dramatic responses to simple answers.

Reason 2: Tired Martix-inspired action scenes. I miss the days when the action star would simply make a daring leap or blow something up and it would all play out in real-time. The Hollywood crutch of slowing everything down and panning the camera around every time the lead character steps over a curb has become cinematically tedious to the point of absurdity.
Movie looks ok. While the person playing Lara isn't as famous or has the look of Jolie but she still looks beautiful. I liked her in the Jason Bourne movie. I think the movie will do good. Vikander is a up and coming star. People will like her. Overall, I wouldn't be surprised if the movie does over 200-300+ million world wide.
Sorry, but the real Lara is much... plumper in a certain important region :)

I completely agree. However, in Rise of the Tomb Raider, she actually looked more like this actress. They moved away from the big chest. We will see. The movie has potential.