UK unveils plan to block online porn by default

And where does this "opt-in" Internet end? Porn is only the beginning.
The UK is already blocking "piracy" websites (see this: Although I am dead set against piracy, this is a slippery slope. Now it is porn sites. Maybe next it will be gambling sites.

Once the government starts deciding for you what you are allowed to see, the temptation is to do more and more. People are getting too used to letting the government do everything for them.
The UK is already blocking "piracy" websites (see this: Although I am dead set against piracy, this is a slippery slope. Now it is porn sites. Maybe next it will be gambling sites.

Once the government starts deciding for you what you are allowed to see, the temptation is to do more and more. People are getting too used to letting the government do everything for them.

I'm not sure they'll pick on the gambling sites anytime soon because winnings have to be declared (at least in my country) so the govt gets their chop whereas they make zip from porn. As long as they can make money from it, they won't stop it.
There is nothing more hypocritical than governments.
Far enough but then they allow same sex marriages and who knows what. Where is the logic ?
I'm not sure they'll pick on the gambling sites anytime soon because winnings have to be declared (at least in my country) so the govt gets their chop whereas they make zip from porn. As long as they can make money from it, they won't stop it.
There is nothing more hypocritical than governments.
Gambling was just an example. It wasn't an actual prediction. It could be anything from which the government decides you need protection.
How considerate of mr. Cameron to think of what corrodes children's minds.. and yet same-sex marriage is bound to be given the green light next year in Britain. How about the main pedophilia advocacy group in the Netherlands - Martijn (no wonder they call themselves "down below") being given the ok to function by courts, that now wants sex with 12-year olds and up be deemed legal?

Hipocrisy and moral putrefaction .. good mix for evolution! Western Europe paves the way!
Here is a completely crazy idea,

How about you be a parent and don't let your kids use the internet unless supervised. Am I the only person that can remember a computer in the living room?

Here is another one,

Pull the modem cord at night so your kids don't have access.

Im sick of people who don't want to take responsibility for their actions. You brought that kid into the world. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM!
Why can't parents, you know, be freaking parents already? Take some responsibility for raising the children you just HAD to have. It's completely ridiculous to make some other random adult have to "opt in" to something like this just because some other *****s can't take responsibility for themselves and the Government has to do it.

Gosh, blocking porn are you kidding me?
Like alot of people says, a waste of resource and will fail.. but the question is, why do the government still intend to do something that they may already know that would fail? It's simple, political popularity movement and *gasp* majority of the money isn't going back to the society but mostly under their own pocket through hired "private company".
A teen cannot walk into a store and purchase an adult magazine. But yet with their smart phone they don't need to. So whats the point in keeping the age regulation on the adult magazine? Besides the kid could always steal the magazine, which would be no different than scheming ways to find material on-line. The idea would be to at least try to make adult material, less accessible to the not intended audience. But to turn our backs and not even try, crap where did our morals go?
Like alot of people says, a waste of resource and will fail..
Don't even get me started on how we are already wasting resources, inside each and every culture alive today. Anyone living beyond the absolute necessity for survival is wasting resources. Take your wasting resources comment and shove it. The fact is we are all wasting resources, the only question is where to waste them. If there was a follow up question, it would be "Who will be the beneficiary of wasting the resources?".

And for the failure bit, sure when you fess up and state "I don't even want to try".
Cameron's bleating is completely irrelevant. He is unelected, unelectable and drowning daily. Of course, he will not bear the consequences of his actions, we, the public will. If my ISP dares to contact me and ask if I require access to pornography, I will be happy to tell them that I wish to retain my freedom of choice, whether I watch pornography or not.

If people allow this enormity to occur, I give it 6 months until 'anti-government agitation' becomes the next 'pornography' scheduled for a ban.

How many more years do we have to put up with this ***** we as a country did not elect?
What what I gather the access can be altered at any time. I dare say most adults would switch to the adult settings just after the 9pm watershed so they can watch 18 rated movie or program on netflix. Problem is that all devices can then access adult material. Somewhat defeats the intention to restrict access to children. But there again there is no true logic to Camerons ramblings.
By the way what people find offensive does tend to be subjective. I went to the movies this night to see Monsters University with my family. Unfortunately we had to endure a trailer for a 1 Direction film which I found to be very offensive to my sensitivities. No one should have to suffer such sickening material. :)
Utter waste of tax money. Any kid 'tech-literate' enough to disable a filter will bypass this with minimal effort as well. Trying to make 'impure thoughts' illegal would make about as much sense, and be met with roughly equal success.
Fantastic!!!!! I can drop my 80Gb plan down to a 1Gb plan.
Thank you Mr. Camerunt you've saved millions of impressionable minds. Bravo.
Christ I hate news stories about porn blocking! They always drive me into histrionics. Now I'll be furiously downloading every piece of porn I can find for the next month and a half. You know, in case there's a future shortage.(*)

OTOH, if the British government wants to cripple the porn industry, all they have to do is ban breast implants, and have David Cameron star in a porn scene or three. How about a period costume piece? King John, and his underage bride Isabella, could be the characters. Playing a fop to Isabella's strumpet, wouldn't be much of a stretch for Davie boy.....

Let's come up with a porn name for him shall we? It must be something dignified, upper crust as it were, something the peerage would approve of...;) How about "Dudley Pokestraight", or maybe, Studley Thrustworthy", "The Earl of Shagsbury". Knight him, and he could be, "Sir Humpalot"......Now, here he is, "the seat of government", live and in your face....:eek:

In case any of you need historical references to get those jokes, here they are:,_King_of_Englandême

(*) Oh who am I kidding? I'd be furiously downloading porn anyway. But you gotta admit, this makes the perfect excuse.
Ironically Cameron's attack on porn is actually promoting it. Years ago there was an anti porn campaigner Mary Whitehouse who wanted several films banned including an art house movie called Last Tango in Paris. No one would have gone to see that film but in the event there were queues round the block.

Oh, yeah. I remember the first time 'Last Tango in Paris' was released. Everything old is new again. As for no one seeing it, this was valuable free promotion with the added spice of being' forbidden', a classic advertising shtick.

This 40 year old film was pretty hot stuff back in the day. Compared to recent pr0n, it is tastefully done and with very little that would be considered explicit.