What is a closed thread?

Why is a thread closed, can it be open? if not why not, and will it be open ata future date. An explination as to why a thread is closed would be nice.
I am a new member and don't understand this. Thank you.

Hi vvkrolc.Welcome to Techspot.

A thread is closed if -

1) Posters request information about anything illegal,cracked or hacked.

2) Posters start flaming and abusing each other.Politics,religion,or just about anything :)

3) It gets so long that people start repeating previous posts,without adding any new information.

There is no reason to re-open them,because any member can always start

a new thread,as long as the above rules are observed.
Nice description Peddant.

I will add one more thought... Threads are closed by Moderators (like myself) who oversee all the discussion boards in this forum called TechSpot. If you have any questions/problems/concerns please speak up we will do our best to help you!

:wave:Welcome to TechSpot:wave: