Woe to "Doll House"

"Eliz-ian" Fields..........

But, "if we buy it, they may renew it (again)", this to the tune of, "if you build it they will come".

(I'm just as proud as heck of that title, it's just chock full of sexual innuendo and associative references. And, it only took two words to do it). Amuse easily, me? I think not!

da---dah-da-da-dah-- da-da---- daaa--da-da-dah

-------(1/16th notes)------------------------ (triplet)

Or, just sound it out.......Bow---lare -----Oh. ohhh. ohhhhhhhh!.

Awesome that worked, moved 4 posts and copied 1 from another thread here.
Yeah well, I bet we don't get our email now.